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By: Alif Fikri)*
Terrorist arrests were made by the Densus 88 team in Riau some time ago. This preventive effort is carried out so that Indonesia remains safe and peace is maintained.
Government Optimizes Development in All Fields
By: Kurnia Password )*
The government optimizes development in all fields, from the economy, infrastructure, to education. If Indonesia wants to progress, development must be carried out!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Emergence of New Terrorist Cells
By: Salahudin )*
Terrorism is a big crime because it can destroy a country. Therefore, terrorism and radicalism must be removed from Indonesia. The public must be aware of the emergence!-->!-->!-->…
The Government is Committed to Realizing a Peaceful Papua through Various Approaches
By: Moses Walker )*
President Jokowi's government is very committed to realizing peace in the Papua region. This is done by using various approaches, ranging from a welfare approach to a!-->!-->!-->…
Obey Proces to Prevent Corona Contagion
By: Abdul Razak)*
Corona cases in Indonesia are still high and the public is asked to continue to obey health protocols. Never take off your mask while doing activities outside the!-->!-->!-->…
A number of Asian countries are interested in building IKN and buffer areas
By: Alula Khairunisa)*
The Capital of the Archipelago (IKN) in East Kalimantan has apparently attracted a number of Asian countries as an investment destination. Not only that, these!-->!-->!-->…
BLT is Effective in Helping the Community
By: Aprilian Hutapea )*
BLT (Direct Cash Assistance) BBM is very effective in helping the community when the price of fuel is adjusted. The provision of BLT which is directly!-->!-->!-->…
RKUHP Not To Silence Critics
By: Alula Khairunisa)*
The article prohibiting insulting the president and vice president in the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) should not be a polemic in society. because, the article!-->!-->!-->…
Infrastructure Development Strengthens Competitiveness
CompetitivenessBy: Saiful Anwar )*
Infrastructure development is something that needs to be done, not only to facilitate people's activities, but infrastructure development can also!-->!-->!-->…
Arms Employment Law Faces Global Uncertainty
By: Andi Kurniawan)*
The Job Creation Act is a powerful weapon in the face of global uncertainty. With this regulation, investment can be made easier which has a positive impact on the!-->!-->!-->…