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Indonesia’s Leadership in the 2023 AIS Summit Forum in Bali Strengthens Indonesia’s Role in the Maritime Sector


Bali – The Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Summit Forum held in Bali is one of the important events that reflects Indonesia’s leadership at the regional level. In this forum, Indonesia has the opportunity to strengthen its important role in the maritime sector and lead collaborative efforts between island countries around the world.

Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jodi Mahardi, said that Indonesia, as the largest maritime country in the world, has a very important role in promoting cooperation in the maritime sector.

The AIS Forum is a forum for cooperation between island and archipelagic countries around the world which aims to strengthen collaboration to overcome global problems in four main areas, namely climate change mitigation and adaptation, blue economy, handling plastic waste at sea, and good maritime governance.

“At the 2023 AIS Summit, Indonesia is committed to improving maritime connectivity between archipelagic countries, including developing potential cooperation with these countries. “This will support trade and investment in the area, which will provide economic benefits for all parties,” said Jodi.

Apart from that, Indonesia also plays a role in promoting sustainability in the maritime sector. Indonesia has been active in initiatives to protect the marine environment, including efforts to address climate change and protect important marine natural resources.

At the 2023 AIS Summit, Indonesia can lead discussions on how countries in the region can work together to maintain the sustainability of the maritime sector, added Jodi.

On another occasion, the Head of the AIS Forum Secretariat, Riny Modaso, said that in terms of maritime diplomacy, Indonesia has also played a key role. in resolving disputes in the South China Sea and pushing to maintain peace and stability in the region.

“Indonesia’s leadership in the 2023 AIS Summit will provide an opportunity to strengthen efforts for peace and stability in the region. This is based on the principle that the AIS Forum was initiated as a forum to overcome the problems faced by island and island countries. ” explained Riny.

To overcome common problems, he said, of course collaboration and joint work are needed. This then became a reference for the AIS Forum to convey the key message of solidarity as one of its derivative themes. The other two main topics are the Blue Economy and Our Ocean, Our Future.

Indonesia has a significant role in the 2023 AIS Summit Forum in Bali. Indonesia’s leadership in the maritime sector, maritime diplomacy, digital economy and sustainability efforts will have a positive impact on island and archipelagic countries. With strong cooperation and shared commitment, Indonesia and other countries can achieve positive results at this meeting, which will support peace, stability and prosperity for island and archipelagic countries.

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