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Supporting Tightening of Micro PPKM to Prevent Covid-19 Explosion


By: Lisa Pamungkas )*

The community supports the tightening of micro-scale PPKM which was previously effective in reducing Covid-19 cases. With the tightening of the Micro-Scale PPKM, the Covid-19 explosion like in India is not expected to happen.
It feels like we’re almost bored because we’ve been stuck in a pandemic for more than a year. But instead of decreasing, the number of corona patients has actually increased dramatically. It was recorded that there were more than 12,000 new patients per day in mid-July 2021. This number is certainly very surprising, because only about a week later, there was an increase of up to 4,000 patients per day.
Why is there a surge in corona patients and the threat of a second wave of attacks? The reason is because people’s behavior is still stubborn, deliberately violating health protocols. When there is a ban on going home, they are desperate to break through the border when the officers are resting. It was recorded that 7% of the population returned home last Eid. In addition, they also flood the tourist spots and forget that they have to keep their distance.
The predictions of epidemiologists actually came to pass when there was a surge in corona patients. This is certainly sad because the pandemic could end in an undetermined time. The government is trying in every way to solve this problem, so that it doesn’t get complicated as happened in India, when patients fall and fight over oxygen cylinders.
The way to reduce mobility and fight corona transmission is to apply micro PPKM again. This micro PPKM has entered the tenth round and is valid until 28 June 2021. When the micro PPKM is implemented, 75% of the employee’s work share is done at home, aka work from home, if in the red zone. Companies must comply if they do not want to be fined and raided by the Covid Task Force.
Meanwhile in areas with orange zone status, the proportion of work from home and work from office is 50:50. When working in the office, you must also apply strict health protocols, in the sense that you must keep your distance and not take off your mask carelessly. Areas near the front office, toilets, elevators, and places where many people pass must also be regularly disinfected.
When working in the office, you must be in the office, in the sense that you are not allowed to go out of town as usual. Because it is still prone to corona transmission. If someone is naughty then he can be grabbed by the officers. The boss also had to be rebuked because when the situation was critical, he even ordered his subordinates to travel out of town.
When micro PPKM is implemented, another rule is to enforce online learning again, if it is in the red zone. Why go online? The reason is that children are more prone to contracting the corona virus, and it could be that they take their masks off at school because they feel stuffy after running in the field.
Moreover, children under the age of 18 do not have the vaccine quota, because the existing stock is only for adults. So they must be protected by studying at home. But with a note, must be disciplined. Don’t even wander near the rice fields playing kites, or cycling around the complex without wearing a mask at all.
The micro PPMK is good because although the mobility of the community is limited, it is aimed at reducing the number of corona patients. The reason is, the number of patients continues to increase and it is feared that it will be difficult to get a room at the hospital. Though self-isolation is not necessarily effective. So that PPKM is the only way to discipline the community, so they don’t get corona.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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