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Various SAFETY activities have been proven to have a positive impact on society.


By: Cut Mutia)*

The diversified activities of the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or the Young and Outstanding Aceh Aneuk (AMANAH) have proven to be able to produce many positive and useful impacts for local communities.

Thanks to the variety of SAFETY activities, the people can feel the positive impact of both directly and indirectly, especially in the young generation of descendants of the nation originating in the territory of the Rencong State.

Real evidence of how the success of SAFETY activities to bring a very positive impact on the surrounding society has been enormously many and from various sectors not just academic fields.

As an example, there is a recent SAFETY GOES TO SCHOOL activity that includes an invitation to the younger generation of Higher Secondary School (SMA) to do garbage management. The event clearly has a very positive impact on the environment for society.

Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul and Hebat called the socialization of environmental hygiene to as many as hundreds of students of SMAN 16 Banda Aceh on Thursday 8 August 2024, which with the activity has been able to change the behavior of the young generation in managing garbage.

Not alone, but in the positive activities, SAFETY also involves a youth community that focuses on the social and environmental fields, Malahayati Vision. They provide material on how the impact of garbage on the occurrence of environmental damage to what kind of ways to investigate it.

Siti Farika, one of the representatives of the youth community said that the young people and students there felt very happy and enthusiastic and gave high appreciation for the implementation of activities by the strategic program of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the initiative of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) for being able to have a positive impact and have a great impact on the environment.

Socialization of environmental conditions, especially how it will be if plastic garbage is dumped, is the main topic of the activity. There, AMANAH invites young people to take an active part inining hygiene and environmental conservation.

However, before playing a more active and direct role in hygiene and environmental conservation, the first step is to educate the younger generation about the types of garbage and also what are the risks of environmental pollution due to unmanaged waste.

In the strategic excellence program of the Government of RI through the initiation of BIN in the youth empowerment sector, AMANAH continues to endeavour to invite young generations to care more about the environment around them by providing a lot of useful education.

Not only in the area of the environment, but the full support of the Young Aneuk of Aceh to the whole youth in the region of the Serambi of Mecca is also happening in other fields such as art to fashion.

Recently, AMANAH continues to encourage the younger generations so that they can participate by presenting the costumes of designers from Aceh at the Muslim Fashion Festival (Muffest) 2024 in Istora Senayan, Jakarta, which will take place from 8 to 11 August 2024.

Cut Junischa, one of the young designers from Aceh who joined the initiation program of empowerment of the police general (Purn) headed by Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, said that he and a number of other designers appeared in Muffest 2024 by bringing a variety of sub-themes.

SAFETY is very helpful to the young generation to grow further and enhance their innovation, including having the opportunity to attend a variety of events to the national and even international levels so as to provide new experiences for young people.

The opportunity to participate in such events is clearly opening up a very wide opportunity for local children so that they can penetrate the national to international markets. Therefore, the precious opportunity of the SAFETY is really what they use to continue to explore themselves and their creativity.

High appreciation continues to come from the community, especially from the young people themselves who judge that the Government’s strategic excellence program through this BIN initiative to the future will continue to be a container to further sharpen the creativity of young people, including young designers from Aceh.

Furthermore, there are other areas that have had a positive impact thanks to SAFETY activities, namely in the sports sector with the presence of futsal tournaments and basketball in the event entitled SAFE Cup 2024 which has received enthusiastic response from local youth.

The coach of the SMAN 7 Banda Aceh Futsal Team, Roki Alfajri Putra stated that the SAFETY activities provide great benefits for the formation of athletes, especially from the futsal sports branch, so he hopes that such events can continue to channel the interests and talents of the young generation of Aceh.

The latest activity of SAFETY is clearly a real outcome that can no longer be denied of how the positive impact on local communities, from the fields of environment, art and fashion to sports, as well as all other fields in Aceh will continue to increase thanks to the strategic initiation program of the State Intelligence Agency.

)* The author is an Aceh student living in Jakarta

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