By: Wildan Ahmad )*
The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law regulates that people are able to become entrepreneurs, because there are MSMEs clusters and clusters of ease of doing…
By: aldia Putra )*
In implementing the Job Creation Law, derivative rules are made in the form of government regulations and presidential regulations. The PP and Perpres are in the…
By: Ahmad Prasetyo )*
The Job Creation Law which was inaugurated last October brought positive changes. Not only in the manpower sector, but also in developing regional industries. There…
By: Alfisyah Dianasari )*
The Omnibus law of the Job Creation Law is so powerful that it is predicted that it will change the employment, economy and investment sectors. The entry of…
By: Raditya Rahman )*
The existence of the Job Creation Law is predicted to improve Indonesia's economic conditions which had fallen at the beginning of the pandemic. There is an…
By: Alfa Mayora )*
The government is aggressively restoring the national economy so that it is no longer trapped in the economic crisis of volume 2. Therefore, the Job Creation Law was…
By: Alfisyah Dianasari) *
In the midst of the hit by the corona storm, the government is struggling to get up, especially in the financial sector. Therefore, the Job Creation Law was…
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*
After the Employment Creation Law was enacted, there were some people who disagreed with it. They finally held a demonstration and demanded that the DPR cancel…
By: Dhika Kurniawan )*
Public welfare is the focus of the government, especially during the pandemic, when many complain that their salaries have been cut. In order to increase the…
By: Zulkarnain )*
Recently, the community has been enlivened by a typo in the Job Creation Law. However, editorial errors in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation apparently have…