By: Sabby Kosay) *The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) is a thorn in the flesh that always provokes society and hinders development in Papua. The community also supports the TNI / Polri to crush…
By: Timothy Gobay) *
KKB and OPM are 2 disturbing organizations that destroy peace in Papua. Their desire to separate Bumi Cendrawasih from Indonesia caused a lot of chaos, even causing…
By: Timothy Gobay) *The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) is a separatist group that always acts brutally against civilians. This time, the KKB acted again by killing a civilian in Intan Jaya…
By: Abner Wanggai) *Papua will be divided into 5 provinces. People don't need to be afraid, because the expansion of this area will not have a negative impact on them. In fact, the…
By: Delina Tokoro )*
OPM and KKB as Papuan separatist groups have done various ways so that they can separate from the Republic of Indonesia. If the guerrilla method failed, they are now…
By: Abner Wanggai )*
Papua region is still prone to diseases, such as malaria. The local government does not remain silent and is trying to overcome it so that all civilians are healthy.…
By: Abner Wanggai )*
A KKSB member finally surrendered himself to the authorities. He chose to side with the Republic of Indonesia because he felt he had been cheated by his leader. In…
By: Abner Wanggai )*
The government plans to continue the Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua Volume II. The policy is considered useful because it has brought prosperity to the people.
By: Saby Kosay )*
It is hoped that special autonomy volume 2 in 2021 will further advance the Papuan people, especially in the field of education. No more children who are illiterate…
By: Rebecca Marian )*
In 2021 there will be an extension of the special autonomy alias special autonomy which provides many benefits for the people of Papua. They were given the trust to…