RAP 1123 posts 0 comments
By: Deka Prawira ) *
The rejection of some people regarding the omnibus law creates new issues about the law. Rumors circulated that the DPR deliberately drafted!-->!-->!-->…
Society Rejects KAMI Existence
By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *
KAMI existence has increasingly disturbed the public with its controversial statements and received public rejection . They also!-->!-->!-->…
People Don’t Doubt the Benefits of the Covid-19 Vaccine
By: Dimas Sangkoro ) *
The Covid-19 vaccine has gone through a rigorous clinical trial stage as well as supervision from government-owned authorities and international!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Covid-19 Demonstration Cluster Transmission
By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
The protests that occur during a pandemic are of course very unfortunate. Apart from always ending in anarchism, demonstrations held!-->!-->!-->…
KAMI Pursue People For Demonstrations in Pandemic Times
By: Hanafi Aditya) *
Since KAMI expressed support for the labor demonstrations, the community has avoided it even more. They are tired of organizations that can only provoke!-->!-->!-->…
Decisive Actions for Anarchist Demonstrations in the Job Creation Law
By: Made Raditya ) *
The demonstration against the Job Creation Law for 3 days in a row left a sad story. Many public facilities were damaged, from bus stops to!-->!-->!-->…
Support Special Autonomy volume 2 to Advance Information Technology in Papua
By: Saby Kosay ) *
The next 2021 is an important year because there is an extension of the special autonomy program in Papua. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani promised!-->!-->!-->…
The Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Invites the Public to See the Job Creation Law…
Jakarta, - All components of society and millennials are expected to be able to see clearly the Omnibus Law which has just been passed by the Indonesian Parliament. The invitation!-->…
Pustaka Institute Invites Students and Workers to Clearly Assess the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation…
Jakarta, - Center for Public Policy Studies and Analysis (PUSTAKA INSTITUTE) invites all components of society and millennials to be able to see clearly the Omnibus Law Law that!-->…
President Joko Widodo, in his inauguration speech at the second presidential oath, stated that he was proposing five visions, one of which is the arrangement of regulations or what is!-->…