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People Don’t Doubt the Benefits of the Covid-19 Vaccine


By: Dimas Sangkoro ) *

The Covid-19 vaccine has gone through a rigorous clinical trial stage as well as supervision from government-owned authorities and international institutions. The public is also asked to no longer doubt the benefits of the covid-19 vaccine.

Scientists have called for immediate action to increase public confidence in vaccinations. Given that, research suggests a sizeable minority in some countries may be reluctant to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

              With few effective treatments and no cure for COVID-19, companies and governments are also racing to develop a vaccine in an effort to stop the pandemic.

              In a study published in the journal Nature Medicine, researchers in Spain, the United States and the UK surveyed 13,400 people in 19 countries who have been badly hit by Covid-19.

              The study found that while 72% of respondents said they were willing to be vaccinated, 14% refused and 14% expressed doubt.

              Researchers found that the people who have the most distrust of government are those who are less likely to be vaccinated. In fact, those who have been sick with covid-19 are no more likely to respond positively.

              Meanwhile in China, 88% of respondents said they would receive a vaccine that was proven safe and effective. This figure is the highest of all countries surveyed, the proportion is down to 75% in the US and as low as 55% in Russia.

Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Reisa Brotoasmoro said vaccines are a form of effort to build immunity to fight disease. This is a precaution so that people do not need to be exposed to disease first to grow immunity.

              Currently the red and white vaccine is being developed by the Eijkman Institute of Biology and Molecular Affairs and in collaboration with countries that are developing vaccines. The development is in accordance with the guidelines of WHO, BPOM and MUI.

              In meeting domestic vaccine needs, Reisa said there were 3 ways that the Government had taken. First, developing the Red and White Covid-19 vaccine and collaboration between PT Bio Farma and Sinovac from China. Second, Indonesia has received commitments from 4 vaccine candidates, namely those made by Astrazeneka, Sinovac, Cansino and Sinopharm in purchasing vaccines abroad.

              Third, the government is collaborating with the international institutions CEPI and the Gavi Alliance to gain access to vaccines within the framework of multilateral cooperation. This scheme involves WHO and Unicef ​​from distribution development to vaccination implementation.

              Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing UGM, Tri Wibawa, asked the public to adhere to health protocols even though they have received vaccines later.

              Tri said that currently his party is still waiting for the results of research related to the number of vaccine protection against viruses. Even though they have received the vaccine, people must still apply health protocols as an effort to protect themselves.

              In another development, 1,071 covid-19 vaccine volunteers have received a second injection. His side has also taken blood from volunteers who have been injected twice to begin measuring whether antibodies have formed in their bodies.

              The hope is that in the third stage of the clinical trial the results can be reported in January to the POM. The goal is for the POM to immediately issue emergency use authorization for the covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia.

              On a different occasion, WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that 184 countries have currently joined the COVAX facility. Ecuador and Uruguay are the last countries to join.

              This program will finance the covid-19 vaccine and distribute it evenly, to both rich and poor countries.

              On the occasion of the press conference in Geneva, Tedros said, equitable distribution of vaccines is the fastest way to protect high-risk people, stabilize health systems, and promote a truly global economic recovery.

              Currently, the Depok City government is preparing to provide a covid-19 vaccine. The total population who will get the vaccine is 60% of the population. However, for the initial stage only 20% will be vaccinated, this number is a priority aimed at health workers and residents aged 18-59 years.

              With rigorous research and clinical trials, of course we don’t need to doubt the benefits of vaccines. The covid-19 pandemic must end so that everything can be recovered from both the health and economic sectors.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Studies Institute (LSISI)

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