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Strengthening Bilateral Ties Indonesia-Laos


indonesia laos

Agus *)


Indonesia offers airplane that created by PT Dirgantara Indonesia to the government of Laos. The bid submitted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retnowhile visitingVientiane.

Retnooffered N219 which is a light transportation aircraft that can accommodate 19 people and in accordance with the conditions of the runway in Laos.As the plane N219 assembled completed in 2011 and the price is US $ 4 million.

During her visit to Laos, Retno hold bilateral meetings with the Foreign Minister of Laos, ThonglounSisoulith. In addition, Retno also pay a courtesy call to the Prime Minister of Laos, ThongsingTammavong.

Beside to offered Indonesiaproduction aircraft, Retno also discussed issues of economic cooperation, protection of migrant workers, and people to people contact.

Indonesia’s investment in Laos in 2014 reached US $ 1.1 million. In the same year, total trade between Laos and Indonesia reached US $ 55.8 million.

The main export commodities of Indonesia to Laos are tools and vehicle accessories, electronics, and apparel. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s imports from Laos include tobacco, coffee, essential oils, calcium and aluminum.


*) The Author is Brunei Contributor



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