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Palm Oil Company in Seruyan Is “lazy” to Has branch office in Seruyan


seruyanBy: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Seruyan regency, Central Kalimantan Province is one of regency that has much potency. Many palm oil plantations run their companies in there. But, until today, almost of palm oil plantation, including HPH (Forest Using Right) which run their company in Seruyan is “lazy” to have branch office in Seruyan regency.

It is said by vice regent of Seruyan, Yulhaidir. He said, there only two companies that has branch office in Seruyan.

“Until today, there are only two companies that has branch office in Seruyan. They are PT Sarpatim (HPH Company) and PT Sumur Pandan Wangi (Musirawas Group). Meanwhile, there are a dozen of companies have not branch office yet,” said him such in borneonews.co.id.

Yulhaidir said that, their party will deliver a letter and request to entire companies in Seruyan should have brand office in Seruyan Regency.

He assumed, by the branch office, it will make ease in coordination between regional government and company itself, such in solve the problem in the plantation, both about land dispute or labor problem, and another problems that might arise.

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