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Indonesia Can Be an Example in Overcoming Climate Change


By : Edi Baskara

The government continues to be consistent in overcoming the problem of climate change, one of which is by reducing the number of forest fires. President Jokowi is also optimistic that Indonesia is able to become an example in tackling these problems.

Have you noticed the weather has been getting hotter these past few weeks and the rainy season has shifted its timing? Indeed, the daily average temperature rises by 2-3 degrees Celsius, and this is a result of climate change. When the climate shifts, many are dizzy, one of them is farmers. The reason is because they have to reschedule when to plant and when to harvest.

Climate change is a concern for the government, and when attending the G20 summit, President Jokowi delivered a speech containing Indonesia being an example in tackling climate change. During the second session of the Summit, the themes were climate change, energy, and the environment.

President Jokowi added that there are many government policies related to environmental change. First, there is a synergy in monitoring hotspots, thanks to which forest fires have decreased by 82%. Indeed, there were fires in the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan, but they have been suppressed and hopefully they will decrease to 100%. So that the climate is getting better and the population is also safe from the threat of suffocating smoke.

The second strategy of the Indonesian government is to reduce deforestation, especially in Borneo. There, 3 hectares of critical land were rehabilitated, starting in 2010-2019. In addition, green industries and carbon drinking are also built, so that the environment is safe. Deforestation is the lowest point in the last 20 years.

Deforestation is also a serious case because it can harm civilians, after many trees are lost, flooding and other natural disasters are easy. Deforestation (which is clearly illegal) is against the law, and the perpetrators will be dealt with. The government also does not want to compromise, even though the perpetrators are in the upper class, they must get the punishment they deserve.

President Jokowi added that the handling of climate change must be carried out with concrete actions and cooperation. In a sense, do not just be a slogan or printed on paper, but must be practiced in the field. The government has made various efforts to prevent flooding due to climate change, by reforestation and construction of dams (especially outside Java).

People can also take real action, they don’t have to wait for orders from the government. When President Jokowi has set an example, it should be followed. The easiest example is to throw garbage in its place and plant various plants around the house, so that the air temperature is cool even without air conditioning or a fan.

When climate change is overcome through cooperation, then the G20 Summit forum is the right place. This is because this international meeting will not only discuss the global economy and bilateral cooperation, but also discuss climate and the environment, so that global warming is not expected to become severe.

Hopefully after the G20 Summit there will be concrete actions taken by many presidents or representatives of other countries who are working together in overcoming world climate change. In the future there will be no melting of polar ice caps or shifting of seasons, which will throw everything into chaos. To overcome a serious problem like this, it must be done by many parties and always be united.

At the G20 Summit, President Jokowi made a speech on climate change, and Indonesia is ready to be a role model in overcoming various environmental problems. The government does not just talk but takes concrete actions to save the forests in Borneo, as the lungs of the world. By working together, climate change can be addressed properly.

The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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