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Overcome Radicalism Through Education in Schools
By: Muhammad Zakie) *
Radicals are increasingly 'crazy' and do not even hesitate to prey on school children to become their new cadres. They operate through cyberspace and!-->!-->!-->…
Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism
By: Zakaria )*
If terrorist acts are felt to decrease then it does not mean that radicalism does not spread to various circles and the environment, including even to academics. The!-->!-->!-->…
Pancasila: Immunity Vaccine Against Radicalism and Communism
By: Alfin Riki (Chair of the Surabaya Regional Publication Literacy Movement)
In the midst of the crisis due to the pandemic that has not subsided, there are still groups that utilize!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Lone Wolf Terror Phenomenon in Indonesia
By: Zakaria) *
The lone wolf phenomenon is a state when terrorism moves on its own. For example when someone suddenly becomes a member of the radicals, even though!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Spread of Radicalism in the State of Pancasila
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *
The spread of radical understanding has become one of the important issues that should be watched out for in Indonesia. Radicals believe that Pancasila is a!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Dangers of Radical Understanding
By: Zakaria) *Various countries in the world struggled to free themselves from the bondage of the spread of radical ideas. This is because not a few of its citizens have disappeared or left!-->…
Rejecting Radicalism and Communism for Indonesia’s Security
By: Edi Jatmiko )*
Radicalism and communism are two concepts that are very dangerous, because they can destroy the Indonesian nation. Unfortunately today there are still radicals and!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Radicalism in the Educational Environment
By: Zakaria )*
Radicalism is a dangerous notion because it invites followers to be unfaithful to the state. Their ideals in forming a caliphate state created ambitions to recruit new!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Radicalism among CPNS
By: Angga Gumilar )*
Prospective Civil Servants (PNS) absolutely must be free from radicalism. So, CPNS selection must be tightened and there must be an impression that he is not a!-->!-->!-->…
Beware the Spreading of Radicalism among Students
By: Edi Jatmiko) *
Radicals still continue to look for loopholes to recruit new members. At present they are not focused on acts of violence and bombings, but rather on the act of!-->!-->!-->…