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Political Intrigue in the Rejection Rule of Legislation the Mass Organization

Ilustration of Rejection of Community Organs Anti-Pancasila

By: Yuandiko Notonegoro)*

Approaching the moment of preparation for elections of the head region in 2018 and the 2019 presidential election, the issue of the rejection Perppu Ormas is increasingly being leveled by political elites. The goal is certainly to gain political power and weaken the electability of the ruling politician. Since it was first issued, the Perppu has indeed received massive rejection from HTI and its affiliates. Whereas the Perppu has been proven able to cut radical Ormas which anti Pancasila more effectively.

Previously, the government urged the creation of the Perppu Ormas to dissolve the HTI that has been identified as Ormas anti-Pancasila. There are several reasons given directly by Wiranto, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, why the government needs to speed up the dissolution of HTI through the formation of Perppu. First, as a legal organization, HTI does not carry out a positive role to take part in the development process to achieve the national development objectives. Secondly, HTI’s strongly indicated activities have been contradictory to the objectives, principles and characteristics based on Pancasila and the UUD Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945, as regulated in UU No. 17/2013 on the Ormas. Third, the activities carried out by HTI are considered to have caused a collision in the community that could threaten the security and order of the community, endangering the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

In addition, the pressure to dissolve HTI is also conveyed by several parties, one of them is Lembaga Penahabatan Ormas Islam (LPOI). LPOI also considers HTI as a radical Ormas that can threaten unity, democracy and Pancasila. The same thing was also conveyed by the Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Said Aqil Siradj, said the government needs to issue Perppu to dissolve the radical Ormas.

Departing from these reasons, the government ultimately accelerated the dissolution of HTI through the issuance of Perppu No. 2/2017. However, the sudden issuance of the Perppu with its shortcomings, exploited by HTI and its affiliates to sue the government. In addition to the judicial review of the Public Order Institution, HTI has also taken political steps by mobilizing support from factions in the DPR. This was acknowledged by HTI spokesperson Ismail Yusanto who said he had met with Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Fadli Zon and obtained a statement that Fadli Zon rejected the Perppu Ormas.

From the recognition of HTI spokesperson, it is clear that there is an interest that is channeled through the rejection of the Perppu Ormas. The Vice-Speaker of the People’s Legislative Assembly should not necessarily express their attitude and support to certain parties. The legislature should remain neutral and make decisions based on data and facts and base on the national interests based on Pancasila.

In addition, ruling out his position as Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives, Fadli Zon comes from the faction Gerindra Party which is the opposition of the Party bearer President Jokowi. The seizure of positions between PDI-P and Gerindra has been happening since the 2014 presidential election. There is possibility that the issue of rejection of the Perppu will be developed by the political elites of the opposition group. The aim is to gain political support especially from HTI sympathizers who feel ostracized by the government. The alignment and placement of political interests was affirmed by Fadli Zon who said “on behalf of Gerindra, I rejected the Perppu Ormas” while attending the meeting at the House Leadership Meeting Room. The response was also agreed by the Chairman of the PKS faction, Jazuli Juwauni and the chairman of the PAN Faction, Daeng Muhammad.

The peak of the rejection of the Perppu Ormas was the action of 299 which was carried by alumni of action 212 who joined in Presidium of Action 212. Besides that also involved Gerindra Party, PAN, PKS and Democrat Party. In his speech by the Chairman of PAN, Amin Rais said that the Perppu Ormas contain hatred. Besides that he also said the formation of the Perppu Ormas by president Jokowi aims to provide a wind for the revival of the PKI.

Given the existence of alumni of action 212 in riding the issue of religious blasphemy some time ago, has successfully overthrew the power of former Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama. It can be concluded that the action of 299 was designed in such a way as to approach the pattern of action 212. The goal is clear to bring down the Jokowi regime by raising issues that are developing. The involvement of the Presidium of Action 212 is increasingly questioned because, the Perppu Ormas are not made to attack the Islamic Ormas, but the Ormas which anti-pancasila.

Political party involvement further clarifies the direction of interests entrusted through action 299. Political parties should exercise their role in the regeneration of prospective political leaders and promote their candidates through positive propaganda. Instead of taking to the streets and creating chaos in society. In fact, PAN Chairman, Amin Rais openly conveyed accusations of PKI stooges to President Jokowi without credible facts. This of course will lead to new polemics in the community and will further disrupt the visionary development program owned by president Jokowi.

The facts are clear enough to show the interests of the political elite in driving the emerging issues. Especially approaching election of region head 2018 and presidential election 2019, society should be more open and wise in responding issue emerging. It is also important for the public to participate in disseminating the news of Hoax by not responding to negative neglect without checking the information first.

)* The author is political observer

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