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Becoming Host of the 2024 World Water Forum, Proof that Indonesia is Increasingly Trusted by the World


Bali – Indonesia’s appointment as host of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali on 18-25 May 2024, is proof of the world’s trust in the Indonesian nation.

Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi, said that his party fully supports the 10th WWF in Indonesia because this is proof that Indonesia is increasingly trusted by the world.

“Indonesia was recorded as the first Southeast Asian country selected to host the World Water Forum, and Indonesia’s selection as host is a sign of high international trust in Indonesia,” said Budi when met in Bali.

Budi Arie also said that the Ministry of Communication and Information fully supports the 10th WWF, because water is a basic need and part of human rights. This support was realized by the Directorate General of Public Information and Communication (IKP) Kominfo by carrying out promotions and increasing awareness and active involvement of the community in organizing this international event.

“Because of this, active participation from all of us without exception is really needed to work together to create a prosperous and prosperous world. Let’s protect the earth and our environment, so that water can continue to be protected and cared for. “Because if the water is maintained, the water will continue to be there for the sake of our children and grandchildren and future generations,” said Budi.

Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary for Environmental and Forestry Management, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves), Dirhansyah Conbul said WWF would discuss the importance of water for people’s lives globally.

“It’s all related to aspects of prosperity. According to the theme, Water for Shared Prosperity or Water for Prosperity. “Remembering that global challenges are closely related to water,” explained Dirhansyah.

Indonesia also uses WWF as a platform to fight for global issues related to water, including climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development. By sharing experience, knowledge and technology, Indonesia acts as an agent of change in promoting innovative and sustainable solutions to water challenges at local, regional and global levels.

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