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Controlled Spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia


By: Zainudin Zidan ) *

We are still living the Covid-19 pandemic, but 54.3 percent of Indonesians feel that the spread of Corona is still within controlled limits. The proof is, the number of Corona patients who have recovered is increasing. This success is the fruit of the hard work of the government, the covid task force team , and the people who obey the rules.

A survey from the Indonesian Political Indicator institute shows that more than half of the country’s citizens believe that the spread of Corona is still under control. The results of this survey illustrate the opinion of the people in Indonesia, because it is a national survey . Many people believe that this disease can be eliminated and we can immediately be free from Corona .

The results of this survey are not only on paper, but are in accordance with what is in the field. Doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro stated that there was an increase in the cure rate for Covid-19 patients in Indonesia. The amount is from 72.8% to 75.27%. This increase is good news because far more patients recovered than did not.

An increasing cure rate is a good indication. According to a spokesperson for the Covid Task Force , Doctor Wiku, the percentage of the Corona recovery rate in the world is only 74%. Meanwhile, the spread of Corona in Indonesia is 21%, lower than the percentage of global transmission of this virus, which is over 22%.

When the percentage of cure is 75.27% aka ¾ of the number of patients, it does not mean that a quarter of them died. The rest are of course still being treated at the hospital. The mortality rate in Indonesia is 3.7%. Most of those who are not helped already have congenital diseases ( comorbid ) such as heart disease, hypertension, and kidney failure. Also aged over 50 years.

The success of suppressing the spread of Corona in Indonesia is not part of the hard work of the government, the Covid-19 task force team and health workers. The task force team swiftly carried out random rapid tests to find out if there were any people who were positive for Coronavirus . After that, they are taken to the hospital or if forced (because the rooms are full) are required to be self-isolated.

The Task Force Team is also regulated by the government to hold tracing alias tracing of Corona patients . Everyone in contact wajb recorded and tested rapid . Because currently there are many people without symptoms who don’t show any indication of being exposed to Corona, such as dizziness and loss of their sense of smell, but suddenly get sick. It turned out that he accidentally contracted the covid-19 virus.

The government also provides free Corona treatment at the appointed hospital, provided that you use a BPJS card. If it is not covered, the cost will reach hundreds of millions of rupiah. Therefore, as good citizens, we are obliged to pay BPJS dues in an orderly manner for the safety and health of our family.

TNI also provided assistance for the deployment numbers Corona increasingly menur un, by providing the Army hospital as a patient isolation covid . This is to help those who run out of rooms in government hospitals, so they can immediately get help from medical personnel, and can quickly recover after being treated for 2 weeks.

The reduction in the Corona transmission rate is also the result of public order that is disciplined in obeying health protocols, such as wearing masks. Face shield is used also the standards of health, and not mask scuba or buff ineffective against dro plet . People are also used to carrying hand sanitizers and always maintaining immunity and hygiene .

The decrease in the percentage of the reduction in the number of Corona patients in Indonesia is a new hope, because we are optimistic that the pandemic can end quickly. All parties starting from the government, medical personnel, the Covid task force team , and civilians are working together to combat Corona . Hopefully everyone will remain disciplined in maintaining health and obeying protocols so that there is no more Corona transmission .

) * The author is a citizen living in Banten

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