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The Community is Optimistic that the Development of the Archipelago IKN is on Schedule 


The National Capital City is currently under construction and the government is optimistic that the process will run smoothly and on time until it is 100% complete. Making a capital city that is sophisticated and green at the same time takes time, so the support of all parties is needed so that the relocation of the capital can be fully realized.

The new capital city of Indonesia was built in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, and was named Nusantara. This development is a mega project so it takes years. The community is very impressed with the IKN concept, which, although it has not been completed, is already amazing. IKN Nusantara is not just an ordinary capital city, not a mega-city with giant buildings like Jakarta, but will become  a sophisticated green city  .

President Jokowi stated that the development project for the Archipelago Capital City (IKN) would proceed according to the set targets. I just want to convey an optimism that the construction of this Archipelago Capital City has started, both in infrastructure, both in the form of offices to settlements.

According to the President, the IKN development project is not a short-term project and will take 10 to 15 years to build. However, the President emphasized that construction of IKN infrastructure had already begun in the field. The community should not hesitate because in the field they are already moving as they should.

One of the infrastructures that has started construction is housing for ministers. The President gave a target that the construction of the 36 ministerial houses should be completed by June 2024. The government is targeting that on August 17 2024 there will be a flag ceremony in the Archipelago’s Capital. Then, until now there have been no obstacles or obstacles in the development of IKN. Both in terms of budget and manpower.

President Jokowi is optimistic that the Presidential Palace area will be ready to be used for the celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day (HUT) in August 2024. The President has also communicated with the designers, executors in the field, supervisors in the field, and managers in the field.

The construction of the IKN will be completed according to schedule and the area around the Presidential Palace will be prioritized. The reason is that it is the most important building, which is the office for the president at IKN Nusantara. Then, the 17 August 2024 ceremony was not held in DKI Jakarta as usual, but at IKN Nusantara, so it was natural that the construction of the Presidential Palace would be the first to be completed.

Then, the public need not fear that this IKN project will stall, even though President Jokowi’s term of office ends in 2024. The reason is because there is Law number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital. The law becomes the legal umbrella so that the construction of the IKN will run smoothly and on time.

Nikolas Agung SR, Main Director of PT Amarta Karya, appreciated the big concept of IKN development initiated by President Jokowi. The development of IKN will change the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community. In the IKN area there will be 3 urban concepts, namely  green city, smart city,  and  sponge city.

The international community will be amazed because their perception of East Kalimantan has changed drastically. Indonesia is a developing country and Borneo is synonymous with dense forests, so there may be an assumption that it is still very traditional there. However, the existence of a very modern IKN will reverse this perception. Moreover, this city will become  a smart city, sponge city,  as well as  a green city.

Green city  aka  forest city  is a completely new concept. There will be no fear of deforestation in Kalimantan because the capital city of Indonesia is moved from DKI Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara. The environment will remain beautiful because  forest city  is a city surrounded by forests. The new capital city will be very spectacular because it is the first time there is  a green city  in Indonesia.

To support  forest city,  a tree nursery area was also built, and many trees have been planted around the IKN Presidential Office. Later Indonesia will be highlighted because its capital city is very green and environmentally friendly. Kalimantan is one of the lungs of the world, and it is guaranteed that there will be no forests whose trees are cut down for the ambition of building the nation’s capital.

Then, the  smart city  concept is also still new to be implemented in Indonesia. IKN Nusantara is not only green but is a smart city with all the facilities that make it easy for its people. Kalimantan cannot be left behind from Java or other islands, because facilities in the form of electricity, 5G internet, and others, will go to IKN. The IKN community who are immigrants (because they used to be Jakarta government employees) will feel at home there.

The construction of the Nusantara National Institute of Science will be on time and President Jokowi will come to North Penajam Paser to monitor  its progress . With the establishment of IKN, it will become a new history of Indonesia because a capital city is in the middle of a beautiful forest. IKN is a city that is both modern and green, and this concept is praised by many people around the world.

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