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Appreciate the PPKM Extension Decision


By: Made Raditya )*
The government finally extended the PPKM until August 16, 2021. This regulation, coupled with relaxation for MSMEs, we must appreciate because it can reduce the number of corona patients and maintain the economic resilience of the community.

Since the beginning of July 2021, we have been used to PPKM and this program continues to be extended because the government always evaluates the number of Covid patients before deciding on an extension. In addition, the hospital bed occupancy rate (BOR) and the recovery rate for Covid patients are also considerations for extending the PPKM.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan representing the government gave a speech that PPKM level 4.3. and 2 in Java and Bali were extended again. The duration is until August 16, 2021, aka the next week.

Minister Luhut continued, the extension of the PPKM was carried out after an evaluation of this program was carried out a week ago. Where the number of corona patients decreased by 59%. So the government decided to extend the PPKM again, in the hope that it would further suppress the number of Covid patients throughout Indonesia.

The public is expected not to be disappointed but instead must appreciate the extension of the PPKM because the number of Covid patients is still fluctuating. A week ago there were 30,000 patients per day and it fell to only 22,000, but rose again to 33,000 patients per day. If the PPKM is not extended, there is a fear that it will increase the number of Covid patients in Indonesia and there will be mass deaths like in India.

In addition, the extension of the PPKM will reduce the occupancy of beds in the Hospital (BOR). For example, in DKI Jakarta the BOR in July 2021 reached 95% and in early August it was only 69%. It is hoped that after PPKM (August 17, 2021) the BOR will go down again to truly 0%, because there are no more Covid patients. So that the health workers who most agree on the extension of the PPKM.

The PPKM extension was carried out again because the number of corona patients in Java had decreased but outside Java had increased. Therefore there are also PPKM affected again, even longer duration, namely until August 23, 2021. This is to reduce the number of Covid patients because population mobility is very limited. People outside Java are expected to be patient and stay at home.

The community agreed to extend the PPKM again because there was an easing of their economic activities. After the traditional markets were allowed to open last week (with limited hours), now there will be a gradual opening of Malls and Shopping Centers in areas affected by PPKM level 4. Opening trials are carried out in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Semarang.

Malls and other shopping centers may be opened but the capacity is a maximum of 25% of visitors, so security must be really tight. In addition, Mall visitors must show a vaccine card, a sign that he has been injected, so as not to form a new corona cluster. They must also comply with health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands, and checking their body temperatures with a thermal gun.

The extension of the PPKM is not bad news, in fact we must appreciate it because the government is trying hard to control corona cases in Indonesia and prevent mass deaths. It is hoped that after the PPKM ends, the number of Covid patients will decrease drastically and the occupancy of beds in hospitals will also decrease. We can leave the pandemic phase as soon as possible.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi institute

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