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Be aware of the Lone Wolf Terrorist Movement


The suicide bomb terror occurred at Mapolresta Medan on Wednesday (11/13/2019). Results of initial investigation The police suspect that the perpetrators acted alone (lone wolf) and were not affiliated with certain groups. The movement of the lone wolf tends to be difficult to detect because the actors are directly exposed to radicalism from social media, so the synergy of the community and security forces needs to be improved.

The suicide bombing incident occurred again in Medan, North Sumatra. This is thought to be related to Lone Wolf. It seems that such incidents often occur before major holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s events. From several events usually coincide with days like this. It is quite possible that the group that houses the perpetrators intentionally does so for a reason. Throwing fear and worry and intimidating the government.

In this regard, is the intention and lone wolf considered by many parties very unsettling? This lone wolf action is generally carried out by young people and carried out independently. As the name implies, lone means standing alone. This means that they carry out attacks independently and are not related to any network or group. Including in assembling the bomb itself, to look for targets too. This was done because they thought that if they did it in groups it would be easier for security forces to detect it.

Moreover, this movement was formed by the role of the internet. Namely propaganda and provocation issued through social media seems to have succeeded in influencing. Because, this young soul is certainly still unstable and easy to infiltrate perverted ideas such as radicalism and terrorism. While lone wolf terror in Medan is not the first time this has happened. There are at least 3 lone wolf actions that have taken place in Indonesia. Namely, the attack on Solo Mapolresta, the Church in Medan and the attack on the Police in the Tangerang area. For suicide bombings in Medan, the motive behind them is still deepened.

But according to Rev. Albertus Patty as according to the Chairperson of the Indonesian Church Fellowship (PGI), the lone wolf phenomenon could have been the result of an emotional wound caused by an event. Which eventually led to anger and revenge efforts against certain parties. It could also be due to socio-economic pressure.

Another definition from Burton and Stewart in Stratfor’s essay, is that they define the only offender as a person who acts alone without any instructions from or even connections to a group. Lone Wolf is an agent who is able to do self-activity anytime. Nevertheless, Burton stressed even though there was no connection with the network or organization. Do not rule out the possibility they have a network or group through private contact or inspirational content via the internet.

Previously, the movements of Rabbial Muslim Nasution (suicide bombers) were suspected when they wanted to enter the Medan Police Headquarters, North Sumatra. Rabbial claimed to want to take care of the SKCK when examined, but then he detonated a bomb in front of the Medan Mapolrestabes yard. For information, this actor uses the online motorcycle taxi attribute. However, when inspected no suspicious objects were found through jackets, bags and other attributes.

Six people were injured from this incident. Four of the injured were Polri personnel, one was a casual daily laborer while another was a resident. Along with a number of vehicles parked in Medan’s Mapolrestabes yard were damaged.

How many items are also secured, is a 9 volt battery powered, metal iron plates, then there are quite a number of nails with various sizes. Some cable slices include the on / off button.

The bomb disposal team (jibom) from the North Sumatra Regional Police also conducted a house search in Pasar 1 Marelan, Marelan Medan. The house is believed to be the residence of a suicide bomber. According to the head of the environment, the house has only been inhabited for about one month. Namely the suspect with his wife. From the search, the police succeeded in carrying an iron pipe about 2 meters long, a black bag, a wicker basket inside which had lots of wires, arrows, and also a black suitcase.

The rise of the development of terrorism is increasingly disturbing citizens. There are groups, also stand alone like lone wolf. The public is encouraged to be on the lookout for people and parties who are considered suspicious. Alone or in groups, the movement needs to be watched out considering that now the safety of the soul is the target. Do not let your guard down, also avoid the intensity of internet use outside the interests that are not urgent. Hopefully this incident will open up the way to apprehend all related organizations.

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