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Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism among Youth


By: Yogi Prawira ) *

Youth is synonymous with decades of identity search. This can have an impact on the high vulnerability of the spread of radicalism among youth. Therefore, it needs intense attention so as not to be exposed to understandings that conflict with the ideology of Pancasila and human values.

The transition period of identity crisis among youth are likely to experience what is called Quintan Wiktorowicz (2005) as cognitive opening (opening cognitive), a micro-sociological process of bringing them closer to the acceptance of new ideas more radical. Reasons like that that make them very vulnerable to the influence and solicitation of groups of violence and terrorism. Meanwhile, terrorist groups are aware of the psychological problems of the younger generation. Terrorist groups do target those who always feel dissatisfied, irritable and frustrated both in social and government conditions. They also provide what what they need regarding the teachings of justification, solutions and strategies for achieving change, and a sense of ownership. Terrorist groups also provide an environment, facilities and equipment for teenagers who want courage and launch an agenda for violence.

Very alarming when seeing various facts that show the closeness of youth with a culture of violence. The presence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has become a frightening new specter for young people with various provocations, propaganda and invitations of tantalizing violence. Since its emergence against the nation’s security situation, ISIS has at least been able to thrill young people’s passion to get involved in violent political movements in Syria. Some examples that can be mentioned are dying in Iraq when joining ISIS. Wildfire is the students in Pondok Al Islam in Tenggulun , Lamongan , which is managed by the family of Amrozi convicted Bali bombing of 2002. In his young age youth from Lamongan chose mengkahiri life on the ground of conflict. Not only among men, Asyahnaz Yasmin (25 years), including one of 16 Indonesian citizens arrested by the Turkish government. The girl from Bandung after repatriated to Indonesia, he rejected his family and the local regent. The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Social Affairs is also re-accommodating it in a home for protection and trauma center . And of course there are many other stories.

These facts show how vulnerability among the young generation of keterpengaruhan teachings propagated simultaneously invitation by the group radika both directly and through the online media become very popular lately. For this reason, efforts to fortify young people from the influence of teachings and calls for violence become a joint task. There are three social institutions that are very important to play a role in protecting young people. First, education, through the role of educational institutions, teachers and curriculum in strengthening the insight of nationalism, moderate attitude and tolerance in the younger generation. Second, the family, through the role of parents in instilling love and affection for the younger generation and making the family as a unit of consultation and discussion. Third, the community: through the role of community leaders in the community in creating a conducive space for the creation of a culture of peace among the younger generation.

In addition to the role played institutionally through educational institutions, families and the community, young people are also required to have strong impunity and deterrence in the face of radical terrorism’s influence and invitation. There are several things that can be done by the younger generation, in order to counteract the influence of radical understanding and teachings, namely 1) instill a spirit of nationalism and love for the Republic of Indonesia, 2) enrich moderate religious insight, open and tolerant, 3) fortify self-confidence by always being vigilant against provocation, incitement and recruitment patterns of terrorists both in the community and cyberspace, 4) building networks with peaceful communities both offline and online to add insight and knowledge and 5) join in peaceful.id as a community media in order to flood the virtual world with messages the message of peace and love of the Republic of Indonesia.

* The writer is an activist for the Mother Earth

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