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Before replaced as Former Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah requests The Enhancement of Quality of Food for BPNT Recipient Families


CIDISS. Former Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked for food quality in e-Warong in the program of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) improved, especially rice. Khofifah was asked to minimize the complaints of beneficiaries of BPNT.

Khofifah pronounces, BPNT as conversion of rice for prosperous family (rastra) for beneficiaries must be maintained its quality. The beneficiary families should be able to enjoy quality rice. Make sure they have a choice of type and quality of rice through e-Warong by using KKS (Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera).

The e-Warong program is a place where beneficiaries of BPNT can buy food, such as rice, eggs, and cooking oil. The amount of funds that can be disbursed beneficiary family BPNT of Rp 110,000 per month.

The BPNT program will be expanded, 2018. The expansion is divided into four stages, namely January-February, April-May, July-August and October-November. At each stage, the number of families to be added is 2.5 million beneficiary families.

Khofifah said the target, in October 2018, could reach 10 million beneficiary families. By 2018 the BPNT program can only buy rice and eggs in e-Warong. This is in accordance with the new BPNT general guidelines published by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture.

The reason, the two foodstuffs is the most siphonous spending on disadvantaged families. In addition, rice and eggs are rated as the most needed foodstuffs to meet nutritional adequacy.

We all hope that the quality of food supply in E-Warong will be improved, in order to minimize the complaints of beneficiary families. So it can be consumed properly, appropriate quality, timely and exact quantity.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah *)

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