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Beware of the Spreading Radicalism in the Educational Environment


Terrorism was born from the radical thinking of a group. Breaths of radicalism continue to be exhaled from various gaps. Education is sometimes also spattered by radical notions. For this reason, being alert and recognizing from the beginning of radical radical breath is very important.

Education is the only hope to improve the nation’s civilization in the future. Through education a science and moral teachings are transferred to children as the nation’s next generation. As a hero of Indonesian education Ki Hajar Dewantara focuses on education that is protective and supports the growth and development of children through good example.

Continue to motivate children and provide lots of inspiration. With these missions, education becomes a gateway to shape the good character of the nation’s next generation.

However, over time. Some news circulated about the spread of radicalism infiltrated in children’s learning. The doctrine of hatred began to be blown on those who were not in the same group. Radicalism which has bridges of religion has begun to be developed and developed in children by irresponsible parties in several educational institutions, both private and public.

Infiltration of radicalism in the world of education is no longer a new thing. That incident will continue along with the number of radical elements both extreme right and left that appears. Radicalism seems to get support from situations of political turmoil and conflicting capitalism in general.

Acts of terror certainly disturb the physical peace of society. However, strong non-physical attacks attack people’s mindsets and points of view through a variety of propaganda and doctrination.

Various methods are used such as the infiltration of radicalism in books, magazines, and the most powerful is through internet networking and social media. Dissemination instruments are designed as attractive as possible in order to capture the new seeds of radicalism.

The sharpness of thinking and analysis as well as the depth of understanding of radicalism play a major role in preventing the entry of radical understanding in the self and mind of the people. If radical ideas start to be exhaled on children, then it is the duty of parents to try to clear that influence.

For this reason, parents as caregivers of children must understand very well the flow of radicalism and how subtle motives are formed to attract the attention of the community. The task for the government is to socialize and detect the spread of radicalism early on.

Some time ago, the Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi revealed that there were three entrances to radical understanding in the world of education.

First is the entry of radicalism through the education curriculum and education questions made. This is based on the incident some time ago where there were exam questions that contained the morals of the Prophet. which is not exemplary. Having found this, the Minister of Religion then sought to tighten the selection of the questions entered.

The second is through extracurricular activities in schools. To anticipate the movement to spread radicalism, extracurricular coaches must go through teacher recommendations.
Third is the role of the teacher. The Minister of Religion advised all Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers and other teachers to always teach the teachings of Islam that Rahmatan lil alamin.

The hidden danger of radicalism, if left unchecked, will easily damage the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. This radical understanding should be frozen early on. The government should always focus on the threat of attacks from radical groups. Because they will attack when the government is aggressively taking action to reduce the spread of radicalism.

The public is expected to always be vigilant with the invitations and doctrines of anti-Pancasila radicalism that will ravage the unity and unity of the Republic of Indonesia.

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