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Beware the Development of Radicalism in Society


By: Beautiful Marlina) *

Radicalism is still a serious threat in the life of the nation and state. Radical understanding is believed to trigger a person to use violent means to acts of terror, so it must be eradicated to its roots.

The spread of this radical understanding is indeed troubling. Because, like a time bomb that is ready to explode at any time, the understanding that has been implanted in the mind of the victim will make it a different person. Tend to a high level of egoism, fanaticism to the potential to become terrorists. Therefore, the role of family and education is considered to be very fundamental in preventing the spread of deviant notions.

The Minister of Religion, Fachrul Razi said that there are three entrances to radical understanding, especially through the world of education. Starting from the curriculum, exam questions, to the role of a teacher.

Radicalism is suspected to be able to penetrate through the education curriculum and school exam questions. He revealed, the most recent exam questions were found that contained the character of the Prophet that is not exemplary. According to him it was completely inappropriate. Even though the Ministry of Religion has been careful and conducted a strict selection. However, still cheated.

The second entrance is an extracurricular program in schools. For that, he suggested that extracurricular coaches do not just walk, but must go through the system and teacher recommendations.

The third door, is through the role of the teacher. To all Islamic Religious Education teachers and other instructors, they are asked to always carry Islamic lessons with Islamic values ​​which are blessed by Lil Alamin. With the entrance to this radical understanding, Fachrul Razi asked all Islamic Religious Education teachers and educational institutions to continue to be aware of the entry of radical understanding.

Previously, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) had released an Islamic Religious Education Textbook (PAI) which will be used in schools in 2020. The use of this book is expected to be accompanied by an increase in the role of PAI teachers who are very crucial in building strong characters, even being able to control religious understanding so as not to trigger intolerant attitude.

Meanwhile, Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General of Police Suhardi Alius intensively provides an understanding of all elements regarding the threat and danger of understanding radicalism and terrorism. Not only among academics, he also provides debriefing to members in the banking world.

He urged them not to underestimate the use of cyberspace in the surrounding environment. This is reflected by the rise of violent content such as radical terrorism that is developing so rapidly through social networks. This group deliberately uses the internet for various things, such as propaganda that spreads fear to recruitment efforts.

He did not deny, if the values ​​of nationalism began to erode along with the rapid development of technology. So that many of the younger generation are exposed to radicalism. Actually, technology brings progress and also various conveniences. However, on the other hand, utterances of hatred to radical-smelling content are on the rise. As if free to air and anyone can access it easily.

The handling of radicalism can be prevented by fortifying ourselves. Namely, fostering the tolerance value of religious people. As well as instilling 4 pillars of nationality, namely; Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Unity in Diversity is also the Republic of Indonesia.

Remember, humans are not individualistic creatures, but have links with other humans. Therefore, cultivating an attitude of high tolerance will get rid of this radical understanding. Another thing that can counter this distorted understanding is the unity and unity of the Nation. Evidenced by the strength of an idealist nation that without compromise will be able to build unity and unity can suppress the spread of deviant notions.

From a number of facts, most of the former terrorists feel that they will be more comfortable when entering this vicious circle. Actors feel they have a group that supports and recognizes their existence. Of course this will add to the series of homework for the government. Though all efforts have been intensively carried out in order to tackle radicalism.

It is not impossible that the digital world, which is so loved by the wider community, will actually become the fruit of simalakama for ourselves, if not careful in its use.

Although Radicalism can trigger acts of terrorism, but all can stop starting from yourself. Applying a positive mindset, exploring religion correctly and in the right teacher, increasing tolerance between religious communities and being wise in social media will be able to eradicate all potential radicalism that is going crazy in this 4.0 era.

) * The author is a social political observer

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