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BIN Optimal Handles Cianjur Earthquake Survivors


By: Ridwan Putra Khalan )*

The survivors of the Cianjur earthquake slowly began to rise from their grief. They were assisted by the BIN humanitarian team and medical team, and were able to continue their lives even though they were temporarily living in refugee camps. All members of the BIN humanitarian team are determined to help the earthquake victims wholeheartedly.

The people of Cianjur are currently living in refugee camps. They were there because the house had not been renovated, and the repair funds were in the process of being transferred. However, they remained patient and fine, especially with the help from BIN’s humanitarian team. The team members swiftly helped Cianjur residents, both those who needed medicine and logistics.

Aid came to Cianjur and BIN was the fastest in distributing it. BIN came to Mangunkerta Village to set up a command post and provide assistance to refugees. Considering that many of them still needed tents, BIN quickly set them up.

BIN Deputy VII Prabawa Ajie stated that his party distributed ready-to-eat food packages, equipment for children and adults, as well as financial assistance to 300 Cianjur earthquake evacuees. Mangunkerta Village was chosen because no aid had yet arrived. Residents live temporarily in tents set up near the rice fields.

Prabawa Ajie added that the BIN humanitarian team members’ swift action was due to an order from the Head of BIN, Mr. Gen. Police (Purn) Budi Gunawan. BIN set up 6 additional tents to accommodate the Cianjur people in evacuation. In one tent can be filled with 100 people. The community appreciates this assistance because the tents are made of sturdy and thick material, so they don’t get cold.

The BIN Humanitarian Team came and set up an Aid Post in Cijedil Village, Cianjur, bringing 2 trucks filled with relief goods. Trucks filled with ready-to-eat food, clothes, groceries, diapers and other necessities. which will be given directly to the refugees. 

The assistance was collected and coordinated by the association of wives of BIN members, namely the Divia Cita 83 Wives Association. The relief items were distributed by the BIN Humane Team. They are willing to travel long distances, even to remote areas in Cianjur.

BIN is committed to optimally dealing with earthquake survivors, and is always at the forefront when there is a disaster in Indonesia. Not only logistics, BIN will also provide assistance in the form of health services. The health workers were obtained from the local health center. Earthquake survivors urgently need medical personnel, and their services are carried out through a  door to door system.

Head of the Medical Intelligence Doctor Team, dr. Sri Wulandari, stated that his party came to help the earthquake victims who had limited access to health facilities. In addition to the need for basic logistical problems, the victims had health problems. For this reason, health services are provided  door to  door .

Doctor Sri added, the BIN Medical Intelligence Team also prepared an ambulance, 2 doctors and 7 trained medical personnel. There are also medicines in the ambulance so they can be given directly to people who need them.

The people of Cianjur appreciate the BIN humanitarian team who came with the medical team. The arrival of the ambulance was welcomed by the residents, because there were not only medicines inside. But there are also doctors and medical personnel, so their arrival has been eagerly awaited.

The survivors of the Cianjur earthquake really need help in the form of diarrhea medicines and ointments to treat itching. Many residents also have coughs, so they need treatment from the BIN medical team. according to dr. Sri, the survivors of the Cianjur earthquake, are also mentally ill, therefore she and the medical team provide counseling services.

The humanitarian team and the BIN medical team also provided counseling and trauma healing services for the survivors of the Cianjur earthquake. Their psychological condition is not fine. Some were under great stress because their house was destroyed or their family died. With counseling and trauma healing, it is hoped that they will be mentally healthier.

BIN is truly optimal in dealing with earthquake survivors, because in trauma healing it provides non-material assistance but it is really needed. Earthquake victim children were invited to listen to fairy tales and the art of paper folding (origami) to deal with post-earthquake stress and anxiety disorders.

In the trauma healing event, the team also held a test of ideals. The children who survived the earthquake will be enthusiastic in telling their dreams and they will be motivated to keep learning. With motivation, they are encouraged to become successful adults and make the nation proud.

The earthquake has made Cianjur grieve, including the children living in the district. They received assistance from BIN’s Humanitarian Team, in the form of ready-to-eat food and other logistics. Then, there are also  door to door health services  and trauma healing. BIN optimally assists the people of Cianjur so that they are met with logistics and can get rid of their trauma.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room 

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