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Campaigns, What’s It?


CIDISS. The election time of 2018 regional head election is closer. After fasting and Lebaran, most of the people of Indonesia will perform democratic parties in their respective regions. Before choosing the candidate he believes, the prospective voters must first know the quality of the candidates for the regional head. One way that can be a tool to determine the quality of these candidates, is through campaigns that do.

The campaign is a business or activity undertaken by candidates for the people’s representatives as a means of self-introduction communication as well as a means to get votes from the people prior to the election (general election). The campaign is also conducted with the aim to expose the vision, mission and plan of each candidate for the people’s representatives if elected to become a state leader. Referring to the definition of the campaign above, then all of these campaign activities must have four elements, ie aiming to create a certain impact or effect; Campaign goals are large audiences; Campaign activities generally focus within a certain time; and Campaign is done through a series of organized communication actions.

The implementation period of the campaign in the general election in Indonesia itself has usually been determined by the Election Commission (KPU) and supervised by the General Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu). In general, campaign implementation is done by distributing brochures, banners and billboards of representatives of the people or parties concerned, the distribution of other campaign attributes such as t-shirts, pins, stickers and others. In addition, the campaign can also be done with the implementation of social activities and advertising on television, always expose the slogan, vision and mission of candidates for the people and the party that supports it. In addition to influencing and winning the hearts of the people, the campaign also aims to build a commitment between the people and candidates for the people’s representatives as the leaders of the state.

However, please note that campaigns are not the only benchmark tool for candidates to demonstrate their quality. There are many other ways that can be a benchmark assessment of the quality of candidates for regional heads. Whatever the way, hopefully the prospective voters can choose according to their conscience and not golput at the time of voting later. One vote from the people is very meaningful and participation in the 2018 regional head elections means to make us one of the people who brought change in the region.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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