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Community Elements Synergize Against Radicalism


By Muhammad Kiswanto)*

Radicalism brought by radical groups and terrorists, can undermine the country slowly. Therefore, this understanding must be fought, so that Indonesia is not badly damaged like Afghanistan or Syria. In eradicating radicalism, the community must work together so that this understanding does not spread and destroy Indonesia.

Bombings and attacks are horrific events that can occur due to the actions of radical groups and terrorists. If they are left alone, imagine that Indonesia could be destroyed by the ferocity of radicalism. When they fail to carry out the bombing, radical groups look for other ways by mobilizing the masses and influencing the public to want to support radicalism.

When radical groups approach the community, it is very dangerous because it can cause divisions in Indonesia, because they deliberately play against each other. Therefore, radicalism must be eradicated. Both by security forces and civilians.

Politician Hasto Kristiyanto stated that the dangers of radicalism must be realized and faced together, so that it does not get bigger and undermine the integrity of Indonesia. Radicalism enters into the realm of thought and uses various means to disrupt Indonesia. The way to overcome this is by grounding Pancasila

In a sense, radicalism must be faced together. Are we not united we stand, divided we fall? With the spirit of togetherness and tolerance, all parties are obliged to fight radicalism so that this understanding does not destroy Indonesia.

Eradicating radicalism is not only the task of the government or security forces, but also other parties. These include religious leaders, community leaders, school principals, and civilians. If all parties work together, they will be optimistic in fighting radicalism, so that radical groups can leave Indonesia.

To eradicate radicalism, religious leaders can give lectures that radicalism is unacceptable, because it uses violence. Whereas in religious teachings it is never allowed to hurt others, let alone take lives by means of attacks and bombings.

Religious leaders also explained that the caliphate system that was touted could not be established in Indonesia. The reason is because Indonesia is not a country that uses religious law, like in the kingdoms in the Middle East.

Even the late former President Gus Dur (K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid) also argued that the scriptures mentioned a good country and full of God’s forgiveness. In a sense, he opposes the caliphate system because according to him it is not mentioned in the holy book.

Gus Dur’s opinion was strengthened by Gus Nadir, a young cleric. He also stated that in the holy book there is no mention of a caliphate. In a sense, religious leaders do not agree with the caliphate and radical groups should not link religion with the caliphate. If religious leaders preach like this, the congregation will obey and they will not be influenced by the persuasion of radical groups.

To fight radicalism, cooperation from the school is also needed. Anti-radicalism lessons can be inserted, for example in the subjects of history, citizenship, or religion. If students understand the history of Indonesia, they will understand that this country has a democratic system, which was launched in 1945. This system cannot be replaced with a caliphate because it violates the law in Indonesia.

Students will learn why radicalism is banned in Indonesia. First, they want to displace democracy and also anti-Pancasila. Second, cannot establish a new state in a country, because it is considered a rebellion. So that the students understand how the legal system in Indonesia is and understand the reasons why they are not allowed to participate in the activities of radical groups.

The students also understand why radicalism is prohibited, because that understanding is indeed dangerous if it spreads widely. Radical groups do not respect differences and impose their opinions. Moreover, they use violent means to violate the law. Students must be given an understanding of the dangers of radicalism from the start, and the school supports the government in fighting radicalism by socializing it to their students.

Collaboration must be done because to fight radicalism, it is not only the task of the government and the Densus 88 Team, but all parties. The public can also fight radicalism in a compact way to dispel radical groups and terrorists. The first way is to report any suspicious radicalism activities.

For example, when there was the discovery of branches of radical organizations in several areas. People should report if there are radical organizations, either to the police station or to other officers. If there is a report, an investigation will be carried out, so that the leaders of radical organizations can be immediately appointed, and cannot spread their teachings.

Synergy in fighting radicalism must be carried out by all parties. Not only by the government or security forces, but also community leaders, religious leaders, and civilians. If everyone collaborates, we will be optimistic that we can stem radicalism as soon as possible, and radical groups and terrorists can leave Indonesia.

*The author is a contributor to the Bunda Mulia Institute

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