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Congratulations to the Papuan People for the Ownership of 10 percent of PT Freeport Indonesia’s shares Divestment


CIDISS. The central government executes signatory agreements with the Provincial Government of Papua and the Government of Mimika Regency for ownership of 10 percent after the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia shares has been implemented. The portion of 10 percent was agreed to improve the welfare of the region and the people of Papua who have been affected by Freeport activities.

Minister of Finance of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani ensure, the stages of taking shares of PT Freeport Indonesia continues as planned. The process is still ongoing to date, and is still based on an initial agreement on August 27, 2017.

Meanwhile, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe welcomed the signing of an agreement between the central government with the Provincial Government of Papua and the Mimika Regency Government regarding the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia shares.

Of the agreement, later when the central government has got 51 percent of Freeport shares, 10 percent will be the right of the government in Papua. This is considered as a form of governmental trust towards the people, it is certainly a pride for the Papuan People. Luke says.

Lukas said that 10 percent of Freeport shares they own will be managed by Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) together with PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Inalum). PT Inalum is appointed by the government for the divestment process through a corporate mechanism without burdening the APBN and APBD.

According to him, the name of BUMD that will manage 10 percent of Freeport shares is PT Papua Divestasi Mandiri. BUMD was recently formed based on points in the Local Regulations (Perda) made specifically to regulate it.

In the near future, Papua Provincial Government together with Timika Regency and PT Inalum plans to discuss technically the management of 10 percent of Freeport shares that will be their right.

The signed agreement is one step forward and strategic in order to take the divestment shares of PT Freeport Indonesia after the agreement reached between the government and PT Freeport Indonesia on August 27, 2017. In general, the portion of 10 percent shares will be used for the benefit of the people in Papua through the Provincial Government and the Mimika Regency Government, especially the owners of customary land rights as well as those affected by Freeport activities.

By: Moch Irfandi*)

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