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Covid-19 Vaccine Accelerates Communal Immunity


By: Reza Pahlavi )*
Vaccination is the main requirement to get out of the pandemic phase, because if the majority have been injected, communal immunity will be formed. Therefore, the public is advised not to hesitate to be injected, especially the free, safe, halal covid vaccine.

Covid-19, which is still a pandemic, has caused many deaths. To prevent being infected with the Covid-19 virus, you must obey the 10M health protocol and get vaccinated. So that the body will get immunity and can survive this naughty virus attack.

Doctor Sandra Sinthya Langow stated that vaccination for people aged 18 years and over is a process to accelerate communal immunity, because 57% of Corona sufferers are aged 31-59 years. So they are very influential to achieve herd immunity.

The Corona vaccine is very important because if at least 60% of Indonesian citizens get an injection, then communal immunity will be formed. For now, only 24.49% (data as of August 1, 2021). Therefore, the government is working hard to make vaccinations faster, so that 100% of Indonesians get them. Moreover, the target of the national vaccination program is only 12 months, starting from March 2021.

To accelerate the national vaccination program and establish communal immunity, it is targeted that 1 million vaccinations per day throughout Indonesia are targeted. The trick is to hold mass vaccinations, because places in the Puskesmas and hospitals are very limited. Mass vaccination usually works in collaboration with universities, mall managers, and the police.

The public can register with the mass vaccination committee and the forms are usually circulated in the WA group, and online registration is very practical. There must be a quota when vaccinating because there is a limit on vaccine ampoules carried by health workers, and also to maintain health protocols and prevent crowds. In addition, mass vaccination can make many people get the vaccine at once.

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Even though there are mass vaccinations, they must comply with health protocols, such as wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping a distance. Wear a double mask with a disposable mask position on the inside and a cloth mask on the outside, to maximize filtration, so you don’t panic when you see a lot of people waiting in line for mass vaccinations.

Health protocols, especially social distancing, must be adhered to during mass vaccination. Especially when waiting in line, you have to really keep your distance so as not to form a new Corona cluster. If possible, provide lots of chairs with a distance of at least 1 meter so that it is completely safe and there is no contact between people. This is an anticipation and the committee is expected to understand, and provide complete facilities.

In addition, to increase the number of vaccinations, a mutual cooperation vaccination route has also been opened. So, the public can get the injection at a clinic or hospital appointed by the company and the company will pay the cost. This is the company’s responsibility to the health of its employees and at the same time to prevent office clusters.

It is hoped that with the mutual cooperation vaccine, there are 2 routes, namely the national vaccination program and mutual cooperation. So that more and more Indonesian citizens get the vaccine and eventually accelerate the formation of communal immunity. People who receive injections via the mutual cooperation vaccination route are also calm because the vaccines they get are equally good, and are under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

Covid vaccination is very important to accelerate the formation of communal immunity, because the more that is injected, the faster herd immunity is formed. Vaccinations continue to be boosted to meet the target of 1 million injections to Indonesian citizens per day, and everyone is expected to be orderly so that Indonesia can be free from Corona.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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