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Does Revise Papua’s Special Autonomy is Necessary Issue?


By: Rebecca Marian

Opinion, suaradewata.com – Implementation of Otsus takes the example in the Maybrat Regency, Papua with the target according to the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law, which is for the Maybrat region to be adjusted to the region’s learning, namely 25% for education, 15% for health, 15% for infrastructure development, then the rest is used for improve people’s economy for the welfare of society.

The problem that so far is still related to the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law, especially the details of the allocation of Special Autonomy funds, is more to the incomplete implementing regulations for how to distribute the Special Autonomy Fund so that it is right on target to maximize the function and purpose of the Special Autonomy Fund for the Papuan people.

So far there is only one Implementing Regulation of the Special Autonomy Law, namely the formation of the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP), its mechanism and overall procedures. Moreover, there are no implementing regulations that have been formed to facilitate the reference and regulatory limits in the distribution of these special autonomy funds, according to the targets and objectives for the welfare and progress of the Orang Asli Papua.

Furthermore, the Papuan people want regulations governing the Regent / Mayor and his representatives must be Orang Asli Papua (OAP), this is intended so that the political rights of the Papuans are taken into account by the central government. Because so far Otsus only regulates the Governor and Deputy Governor must be OAP, for the Regent and Mayor the rules have not yet been established.

If there is a revision of the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law, then in general it wants to do a revision related to the Special Autonomy Law, then the Implementing Regulations of the Special Autonomy Law are formed to obtain legal certainty in implementing the Special Autonomy Law.

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