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Edge of Provocation Issues, This is the Chronology of Tomohon Student Dormitory Fire


By: Rebecca Marian) *

The fire that broke out at the Papua Dormitory in Tomohon, North Sulawesi was purely an accident. So it has nothing to do with the issue of provocation, especially those related to politics.
Learning to accept and appreciate differences is the main key to unity and unity. Moreover, for our nation Indonesia, which is famous for the diversity of tribes, races, religions, creeds and also others. So that it remains vigilant about the spread of provocation issues that are so intense in attacking can be ignored well.

Speaking of differences, until now if you hear the word “Papua”, then it will be very sensitive. Because, still closely in the memory of incident after incident happened to whack the people of the Earth of Paradise. In fact, the worst is what happened in the Wamena area. The danger of the issue of provocation circulating like lightning struck. Which just blew away everything in front. Therefore, all the people are advised not to be affected by the news of a hoax and to smell provocative. So that a conducive situation will always be created, and safety and comfort always include.

Some days the news was crowded in the form of Papua hostel fires. Located in Talete Dua Village, Tomohon Sub-district, North Sulawesi Province. According to the North Sumatra Police Public Relations Head, Police Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo, explained that the fire occurred at around 10:00 local time (WITA). The red rooster came from one of the student rooms from Biak. According to his report when it was in his room. In chronology, Ibrahim said, that this incident began when the NRD (room owner) who at that time was playing with matches and burned a paper. But unlucky, sparks accidentally fell into the foam of his bed, the fire quickly spread and burned the entire room. Because of fear, he immediately ran away from the room. It was also mentioned, there were 15 students there. However, when the incident took place only 6 people remained. While others are going to church.

A total of seven fire fighting units were deployed to conquer the red rooster. Grateful fire can be extinguished swiftly. Ibrahim added that he would still explore the incident. The Police and Mayor Tomohon, Jimmy Eman, have coordinated to prepare a temporary place to accommodate the residents of the hostel.
On the other hand, technological advances in the era of globalization no doubt make information so quickly circulated widely. It does not take long, in just seconds, events that occur hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, will be as fast as lightning spread and can be accessed by all internet users. Although social media provides freedom of access and self-expression, it is better to utilize the sophistication of this technology wisely and positively.

No doubt, seeing the current conditions is indeed quite alarming. Because, social media is often used to spread things that deviate and contain provocation. Directly, whether consciously or not, many of our colleagues spread negative news and even hate speech. There are those who deliver it openly, but there are also those who only implied it. In addition, the mode is also varied. Some simply share news information, in the form of quotes, pictures or statements, most of which have unclear source origins. There are also those who are active in “spice up” the news that is shared using sentences according to their own version. This kind of activity is like a virus that can infect anyone. Do not even know the age and educational status.

Therefore stop the issue of provocation which has a very dangerous impact on the survival of the nation and state. Moreover, this incident is only purely an accident or ordinary fire. So that certainly there is no element behind the incident, even though politics. Critical behavior of an event is indeed important. However, it will be more important if we are able to respond to all information and events in a positive and wiser way. So that it will prevent us from all potential problems. Moreover, the current law relating to technology is considered quite firmly cracking down on its users. Instead of getting attention, one of the mistakes themselves will fall into prison prison.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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