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Encouraging Entrepreneurship for National Welfare


CIDISS. Today, the world of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship is beginning to become one of the world’s economic drivers. This fact should be an opportunity for Indonesia with the fourth largest population number four in the world.

Unfortunately, the latest data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia only about three percent of the population. This figure is still less when compared to other countries such as Malaysia with five percent, Singapore seven percent, or Japan 11 percent.

Globally, Indonesia ranks 90th out of 137 countries. This is based on the results of Global Entrepreneurship Index 2017 release by The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute, United States.

Soetrisno Bachir, Chairman of the National Economy and Industry Committee (KEIN) in Public Lecture at Airlangga University said that there are many things that make the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still small. One of the young Indonesians who still have a consumptive mindset is not productive. This is what makes the majority of Indonesian people only so spectators in their own homes.

Therefore, Soetrisno invites young people of Indonesia to change their mindset from consumer to producer. Soetrisno added, young people of Indonesia should start dare to get out of comfort zone and start their own business.

In the event entitled Encouraging Entrepreneurship to Achieve National Welfare, Soetrisno said entrepreneurial based on creative economy holds great potential to become one of the national economy’s driving sector. This can help create an independent, progressive and prosperous Indonesia in accordance with the vision of Indonesia’s development in 2025.

The emergence of startup or startup companies can also be an opportunity for the young generation of Indonesia to start entrepreneurship. Moreover, sulking from the data growth of internet users to trigger the growth of startup actors or internet-based newbies.

By 2016, there are 132.7 million people from 262 million Indonesians. This number rose to 143.26 million internet users by 2017. The creative industry is very promising for everyone. The reason, originality and perseverance will deliver creative ideas into something different. Interestingly, many creative industries involve young children.

With the inculcation of entrepreneurial spirit from an early age in the family, it is expected that children grow up with a person who is ready for entrepreneurship. Minimum they can create jobs for themselves. And, of course, can open a very wide employment for others so that it can reduce unemployment and alleviate the community from the grip of poverty. Furthermore, as a motor of economic development of these entrepreneurs can bring Indonesia into an independent nation and dignified.

By: Moh. Irfandi*)

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