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Facing Industrial Era 4.0, Ministry of Agriculture develops Digital Quarantine Services


CIDISS – Along with the increase in traffic flow of agricultural products globally, the Agriculture Quarantine Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture developed a breakthrough in digital services along with the increase in the flow of agricultural products and entered the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.

Head of the Agriculture Quarantine Agency (Barantan) Banun Harpini during the presentation of a national evaluation of the four-year performance achievement in Bogor on Monday, as released in Jakarta, said that quarantine operational digitalization was a strategic choice in ensuring the accuracy, acceleration of services and health and safety of agricultural products. we. Including encouraging exports of agricultural products.

Banun explained that the automatic quarantine service was implemented through the Indonesia Quarantine Full Automation System (IQFAST), which is a large quarantine information system house. IQFAST is a system that allows monitoring of the flow of agricultural commodities throughout the door of income and expenditure in real time. This system is also the starting point for the development of big data quarantine going forward.

Digitizing services can improve supervision and control of waiting times or dwelling time. From the data reported by the Center for Compliance, Cooperation and Quarantine Information, the waiting time at the port of Tanjung Priok in 2018 averages 0.55 days after the average in 2017 was 3.63 days.

Not only in the operational service structure, Barantan is also developing electronic systems in the field of offices, among others: E-Simonev, E-mailing, E-personal and E-Plan and Operational fields namely: E-Sijaka, E-Prior Notice, E- TPK, Barantan E-Simponi and PNBP E-Calculation. Applications for public services that have also been running include PPK Online, Priority E-Services, E-APIKH, E-SAB and Websites in the Head Office.

In facilitating the export of agricultural commodity trade, the application of ASEAN Interstate Data Exchange within the framework of the ASEAN Single Window, with Indonesia’s trading partner countries is carried out through the development of E-Cert in 3 trading partner countries namely: Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands.

Banun said that in the future, the United States, Japan and Singapore will be guaranteed by digital certificate authority, the National Password and Cyber ​​Agency (BSSN). This guarantee further encourages the realization of world-class quarantine services.

Banun also conveyed his line-up continues to prepare for structuring cyber physical systems in the industrial era 4.0 with 4 steps, namely, first, to organize data by utilizing the Cloud Data Archive, allowing data to be managed electronically safe, validated and controlled.

Then second, the use of the Quarantine Blank Certificate in paperless operational activities and digitally verified with the hope that it can be realized in the near future.

The development of e-tracebility auditing is the third step. This traceability check can reduce the rejection of agricultural product commodities in export destination countries. The fourth step is structuring empowering IQFAST data analysis. This step is to support import control policies.

Digitizing quarantine operations is a good strategic choice in ensuring the accuracy, acceleration of services, and health insurance and security of agricultural products in entering the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era to encourage exports of agricultural products.

By: Reza Setiawan

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