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Foreseeing Duterte Effect in Indonesia

Ilustrasi: Presiden Rodrigo Duterte dan Kebijakan Anti Narkoba
Ilustrasi: Presiden Rodrigo Duterte dan Kebijakan Anti Narkoba

By: Sandy Arifin)*

It is undeniable that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit to Indonesia on Friday (09/09/2016) last week became one of the considerable topic that been discussed by public. It was caused by the figure of Mr. Duterte who is known by his attitude that “showing no mercy” against drugs and corruption. Mr. Duterte’s attitude of “showing no mercy” has been shown through various campaigns he was running on presidential election. Sure enough, when Mr. Duterte took office, the drums of war against drugs and corruption directly encouraged. The policy proved quite effective. Since Mr. Duterte’s inauguration on 30 June 2016, at least nearly 2000 dealers and drug users have died in the anti-drugs war Duterte. In addition, at least 27 mayors and 31 police officers in the Philippines surrendered because they are suspected to be the patron of several drugs kingpins.

Although claimed to be quite effective, anti-drug war policies of Mr. Duterte still got variety of criticism. In fact, the criticism is not just coming from within the country the Philippines alone. A number of international leaders, including leaders in the United States (US) and the United Nations also condemned the policies that been accused laden with human rights violations. But Mr. Duterte seems ignoring those criticism. Even Mr. Duterte did not hesitate to “counter” the criticisms by the parties that are considered “didn’t deserce” to denounce the policies. Those attitude that then makes him more known by the international public.

Mr. Duterte’s attitude of “showing no mercy” against narcotics became such an attraction for the Indonesian public. This is reasonable, considering that Indonesia is currently also experiencing what is called the “emergency of drugs”. Almost all people agree that drugs bring terrifying destruction to the nation of Indonesia. Drug has invaded almost all aspects of life of society. The behavior of dealers and drug users also considered became more “insolent”. The drug dealers are no longer hesitate to slay the police and ordinary civilians who rated disrupt their drug business, as happened recently in North Sumatra. In essence, the public is increasingly furious with drug crimes.

Public indignation against perpetrators of drug-related crime is became a factor why the figure of President Duterte has its own charm. Such interest then raises expectations for changes in the methods of anti-drug policies that have been implemented by the government of Indonesia. There are even some people who wished anti-drugs policies in Indonesia will be able to imitate Mr. Duterte’s. For example, the head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Waseso Budi expressed that strong action against drug dealers, as was done by the President Duterte will reduce the level of drug abuse in Indonesia.

Thus, there is no harm if President Jokowi want to “imitate” the anti-drug policies of President Duterte. Nevertheless, “imitate” in here not meant that Mr. Jokowi’s policies as same as Mr. Duterte’s. Anti-drug policies of President Duterte was “cruel enough” and have a potential to become a justification tool for ample police officers who wanted to arbitrarily take the life of people. At least, the one that can be applied by Mr. Jokowi right now is applying severe penalties against drug traffickers, namely the death penalty. The policy is very firm as the death penalty for drug traffickers is absolutely necessary, given the effects of the drug are very destructive nation, especially the younger generation. And most importantly, the majority of people will support.

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