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Going Home for Eid Holiday Still Prohibited, the Permission Only for Special Occasion


Eid homecoming is an annual tradition in Indonesia. But this year the public was forbidden to do so, because it was still in the Covid-19 pandemic. There are people who may go out of town but specifically for several categories, for example medical workers and people who need health help outside the city.

Ramadan in 2020 is lived with a different atmosphere, because we are still under the Covid-19 pandemic. This condition makes the emergence of several new regulations such as stay at home, social distancing, to the prohibition of going home. All levels of society are encouraged to go home at home and are prohibited from returning home. Even the ASN as servants of the state are also subject to this regulation, and if going reckless going to be reprimanded and loud witnesses.

To cope with the naughty and reckless people to return to their villages, many policemen stand guard on toll roads, pantura, and other roads that are usually passed by travelers. Officers swiftly conduct raids and see the vehicle number plate and passenger ID.

If caught going home, then will be told to go home and turn around. Therefore, do not ever be desperate to go home, especially with the modus operandi of renting a truck and then putting the car in it.

This ban on going home would be better not to be protested, because this regulation is actually made for our own good. If desperate to return home, then the corona virus will increasingly spread to all regions in Indonesia. Especially if travelers come from the red zone. One village may have contracted corona which is at high risk and causes death.

But this regulation has exceptions. When new rules emerge, there are some parties that are allowed to travel outside the city. For example when there is a patient in village A then wants to go to S city, because there is a hospital with complete facilities. Then he was allowed to go, for health reasons. It could also be people who go to another city because a family has died, and want to immediately attend his funeral. Then he may go home.

Likewise with health workers. For the sake of the task, they are willing to travel long distances. So it is permissible to pass on the road, even though it is an inter-city or village lane. Of course they show the identity card and employee card which shows that the profession is a health worker.

Other parties allowed to go home are migrant workers and students and students who are abroad and want to return to Indonesia. They decided to return here because in their place of origin they had a situation that was less conducive. Or they are forced to go home to Indonesia because they were repatriated by the country’s government.

Those who may go back and forth must meet certain requirements. Among them, a valid residence identification card. For medical personnel, it must show a letter of assignment to the authorities. While for patients who want to go to hospitals in other regions, they must show a referral letter from the clinic or doctor where they were previously treated, and show a corona-free certificate. For those who want takziah, the conditions must show a death certificate to the police who patrol the highway.

As for students, students, and migrant workers returning from abroad, besides having to show a certificate free from the Covid-19 virus, they must show a certificate from Indonesian migrant workers or Indonesian representatives there. They also cannot go home alone, but must be coordinated.

The public was asked not to go home so that the Covid-19 virus did not spread to all parts of Indonesia. But there are those who may leave the village, such as medical workers, people who seek treatment, who want to take the family to the deceased, and migrant workers. Students and students studying abroad may also return to Indonesia.

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