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Ijtima Ulama 4, Wondering Events Looking for Sympathy


By: Muhammad Ridwan) *
The meeting between Prabowo and Jokowi on the MRT is clearly still ringing in the heads of the Indonesian people, how not both of them seem to meet like an old friend, both smile and both say that there are currently no cebong or kampret. The statement is certainly quite soothing to the ears of Indonesian people who want peace between the two,
However, the problems after reconciliation turned out to also emerge from some sympathizers of Prabowo’s supporters, namely PA 212 who considered that Prabowo’s meeting with Jokowi was considered to be uncivilized.
Spokesperson for PA 212 Novel Bakmumin, expressly stated that he refused the reconciliation. He also said that his party had not communicated with Prabowo since June 28, after the Constitutional Court’s dispute over the presidential election.
In fact, Novel also stated that it was possible for Prabowo to get input from parties that should not be heard.
That statement is only a possibility, but if the possibility is true, there is certainly a kind of logical flaw if the meeting between Prabowo and Jokowi is considered uncivilized, after all the purpose of the meeting was because both of them were close friends, their rivalry was only on the political stage, besides they were friends and communicate well.
If Prabowo’s deeds are considered uncivilized by PA 212, then is continuing to delay reconciliation something civilized, is spreading hatred and slander something civilized, is the maintenance of cebong and kampret also something civilized?
In this case PA 212 felt disappointed in the peace between the two former presidential candidates who fought, this would certainly be a strong basis for the Indonesian people to reject the existence of Ijtima Ulama 4, because the entire presidential drama had ended with a happy ending.
Indonesia’s biggest homework after the election is to knit unity among the community that had been divided, there is no more debate between 01 and 02 at work or in the community, all returning to work according to their respective sciences.
This shows that Prabowo is on two sides – equally at risk, first if he does not meet with Jokowi, then he will be regarded as a person who is not loyal and does not love peace, but when he knits peace on the MRT, voices like Prabowo’s goodbye is also quite well-known in the media.
But of course they both have to prioritize the interests of the nation first, their second meeting on the MRT shows that both of them always forget their political prestige, if the meeting is held at the State Palace, of course the social media will be increasingly tense and will bring more brutal news.
Ijtima 4 can also be mentioned as a form of expression of the bearer who feels uneasy with his lord, perhaps later in the event not only discussed the attitude of the scholars who supported 02 only, but also discussed the issue of habib rizieq who did not go home.
Therefore, Ijtima Ulama 4 does not need to be a priority to think about, especially if they have plans to implement khilafah in Indonesia. By rejecting the Caliphate does not mean that the Muslim community in Indonesia is an auto-infidel, because indeed the Caliphate is not suitable to be applied in a diverse country like Indonesia.
At present we can certainly assume that Prabowo has no grudge with Jokowi, he and the members of the Gerindra party have also felt jealous of Jokowi’s victory, and have prepared to take on the role of opposition. However, the opposition certainly feels important so that the government runs balanced.
The fraudulent election allegations did not succeed in making the Constitutional Court shift the victory to Prabowo, if indeed the PA 212 still believed in fraudulent elections, of course it was too late, all BPN efforts had been mobilized to sue the KPU results. Hopefully it fails to understand the victory experienced by most PA 212 and its affiliates recover soon.
If indeed the PA 212 is a loyal supporter of Prabowo, he should feel loyal and participate in following the direction of his lord to become an opposition party who is ready to criticize government policy. But maybe PA 212 still doesn’t accept if the lord loses and can’t pick up Habib Riezieq.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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