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Indonesia free from radicalism by applying the value of Pancasila


Indonesia as a country with multicultural society, making horizontal conflicts rife. Terrorism is one of them which often makes people uneasy and disadvantages various parties. Terrorism is one of the actions carried out with the aim to arouse feelings of fear. The action is usually systematically structured for a particular purpose, for example certain political objectives.

Terrorism can occur due to exposure to radicalism against a person or certain group. By definition, radicalism is an understanding that wants a change in a social system or more broadly is the state, as well as politics carried out by violence or extreme means.

In general, radicalism is a system carried out by terrorists and their supporters by using extreme violence to achieve certain goals that have the legitimacy of religious doctrine. According to several terrorists, such as Ali Imron who was a Bali bomber, they carried out acts of terror based on dissatisfaction with the government for not using the Islamic Sharia system, lack of Imamat, moral depravity, and community’s creed.

Another reason that actually also does not make sense is that the acts of terror that he did pretend to protect Muslims. Though the victims of the terrorist acts were mostly Muslims themselves. Besides that, another reason is to avenge the infidels who are fighting the Muslims.

Pancasila Values ​​as Opposing Radicalism and Terrorism

Pancasila is a basic system of the state offered by Indonesia’s first president, Ir. Sukarno as philosofische gronslag or basis, philosophy, the soul of Indonesia. Pancasila and its values ​​are a guideline or identity of the Indonesian people. The lack of actualization of the value of Pancasila will accelerate the pace of radicalism in society.

Everyone can certainly memorize the points of Pancasila, but not necessarily understand the meaning, meaning or value contained therein. So, when they have an understanding of their class, they will naturally be more submissive to their own class. Forgetting the values ​​of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and social justice that have been formed to build a better Indonesia.

Acts of terrorism that occurred in this country must have violated the value of Pancasila. For example, in the first precept that is “God Almighty”. Indonesia which has a diversity of religions makes it one of the most effective weapons for spreading hatred. However, not if you understand this first precept, it contains the meaning of mutual respect between beliefs. The other Pancasila principles also provide a way of life to continue to maintain the diversity that exists.

Out of all these problems, let’s go back and look at the history of the Indonesian people. We choose a State foundation that is very strong and already reflects the identity of the Indonesian nation, namely Pancasila. With every precept that it contains, it should be able to bring peace to all Indonesian people.

Toni Abraham, the writer is Chair of the Medan Regional Independent Social Media Activists Forum

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