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Indonesian Youth with Jokowi’s Mental Revolution

Indonesia Mental Revolution Sign
Indonesia Mental Revolution Sign

By: Indra *)

Indonesian Hope now is at sake in the Yong generation. But, Indonesian youth mental revolution is still very far from the expected. The current progress is a challange that is facing younger generation today. Whether to participate in a current that would damage the moral of the Nations or to utilize wisely. In this era, the Indonesian Youth must continue to De creative and innovative that will useful for nations and society.

In fact, now many Indonesian youths who are not smart in using technology. Modern technology now allows us to exchange information very quickly whether through media such as electronic media and the Internet. Information flocked stormed into the country. Incoming information is sometimes not filtered properly or not interpreted wisely. The information that comes massive and almost in every media will certainly affect thinking. Thus, the next generation will love and even mimicked in accordance with the information received from these media.

Actually here isn’t a big problem if they liked the culture of other country. But should not we love our own national culture. Identity culture that has become our nation. Never when other nations claim the culture of ours then we get angry.

Many ways to love the culture of the nation. Pancasila practice is one way to love our own culture. Mutual tolerance, mutual respect among indigenous peoples, tribes and religions. Thus would not be possible conflict of bloody conflicts occur across the country.

Love the culture itself may also be done by preserving the local culture. Using batik, preserve the historic sites, local culture and the arts continue introduced to the international world. If we aggressively do, eat international world will recognize that this culture is the native culture of Indonesia. Such movement should be applied throughout the Indonesian youth as a form of contribution to the nation, as a form of mental revolution of Indonesia, as the successor state of the nation’s defense form.

The next generation still has great expectations to develop the nation. The younger generation should continue to upgrade themselves, explore yourself as optimal as possible. Later Memon Youth Pledge should be a momentum for Indonesian youth to forget all forms of barriers regional, religious, ethnic and tribal. Indonesian youths must be united, determined to promote Indonesia.

*) Author is Jakarta Regional Contributor

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