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Let’s Make 2018 Election Success


CIDISS. Efforts to improve the quality of election implementation are part of the process of strengthening democracy, as well as bringing about effective and efficient governance. Thus, the democratization process can continue through more qualified elections and at the same time the process of democratization proceeds well, managed, and institutionalized. One of the most important parts of an electoral process is the role and participation of the community. Rational considerations by becoming intelligent voters need to be continuously socialized, so that later expected to be elected leaders and heads of regions who have high integrity and quality.

The success of the election not only rests on the integrity of the organizers and participants, but must also be supported by all election stakeholders in order to create a strong and mutually sustainable synergy. This issue is explicitly contained in article 434 of Law 7/2017 on General Elections, in which the government and local governments are obliged to provide assistance and facilities for the smooth conduct of elections. Therefore, a common perception of election stakeholders is needed in the effort to achieve democratic elections.

On the other hand, the government and regional governments should contribute to the smooth election of heads of heads whose duties are imposed on the KPU and Bawaslu, in which all parties involved must have the same perception, so as to create a conducive political stability, to support the smooth election of regional heads and to create a sense of safe for the community.

In addition to the role of the government, the role of community leaders is also a key key to victory in the election of regional heads. The public figures have a penny in membanggun base congregation from the beginning so trusted and better known by the community. In other words, the community leaders have a voice heard by their followers so as to direct the voting vote to a particular candidate. Community leaders also play a role in providing education and political understanding to the community, so that the presence of community leaders in the implementation of the democratic party is very important.

Although the current development of technology is so rapid that the flow of information can spread quickly, but the role of community leaders is still not replaceable, they not only serve to convey information but most importantly they have deeper bonds of heart and feelings with the pilgrims so it is more reliable.

By: Mirwan Achmad*)

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