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Milineal Warganet Must Unite Against Hoaxes and Intimidation in order not to be Afraid to Choose for the Realization of the Sustainability of National Leadership and Indonesian Development


By: Tristan Januar *

Lately there has been a lot of false information and news appearing or better known as hoaxes in cyberspace. Many hoaxes are raised by a number of irresponsible individuals who have certain interests. If you are not careful, we will easily be consumed by hoax tricks or even spread false information. This will certainly be very detrimental to both victims of slander and the recipient of information.

The emergence of hoaxes is more aiming at targets who are not critical and even taboo about the information presented. It does look trivial. But if the community is always consumed by hoax information, it does not rule out the possibility that it will be able to change the perspective and perception of the community towards a phenomenon that occurs. Moreover, they are accompanied by intimidation wrapped in SARA ahead of the democratic party which will be held on 17 April. This is not something else aimed at suppressing and frightening other parties so they do not dare to choose their choices, in other words forced Golput so that these individuals can smoothly achieve power in a non-dignified manner.

Approaching voting day, the community, especially millennial citizenship generation, was asked to be more careful on the news spread on social media. Not only wary of hoaxes or false news, the millennial generation as a representative of smart voters in the 2019 Election title must also be active against hoaxes. Because, the massive distribution of hoaxes tends to make the community, especially the millennial generation, apathetic towards the politics of the country so that they choose Golput. Whereas with the number reaching half the number of voters, the millennial generation is considered as the key to the success of the 2019 Election towards an increasingly advanced Indonesia. Remember the future of this nation is in the hands of the millennials today.

Millennial Warganet generation must be able to become the front guard to increase participation in channeling voting rights in the April 17 2019 election. By fighting hoaxes and rejecting Golput, the millennial generation has helped determine the fate of this nation in the next five years. Of course we want the country to be led by people who are considered worthy and willing to work hard and have been proven to bring progress and be able to continue development which is now being intensively implemented. By choosing leaders who are willing to work hard to build a nation and love their people sincerely, Indonesia’s sustainable development program will be able to materialize.

If we do not intervene and help the government in fighting hoax news, it is feared that this country will eventually be led by a leader who does not prioritize the interests of his people and will not keep his promises and only wants to come back.

Therefore, the millennial generation must unite in fighting false news or hoaxes in cyberspace and Do not abstain and not fear to choose intelligently. In addition, it must be able to invite people around us not to be afraid to choose because they feel intimidated by certain parties. Thus, the 2019 Election will run successfully and the sustainability of Indonesia’s development for a more advanced nation can certainly continue. In the implementation of the 2019 Election, the millennial generation has a role as a smart voter who will participate without fear and without Golput and cheerful for the progress of Indonesia.

*) Bloggers / Residents of Sleman, DIY

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