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Ministry of Industry Expects Young Generation to Become Leaders in The Fashion Industry


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

The Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) hopes that the younger generation can become leaders and drivers in the fashion industry sector. The advantages in wealth and local wisdom related to textiles which are quite varied can be potential that can be seen or captured by creative people.

Director of Small and Medium Industries of Chemistry, Clothing, Multifarious and Handicraft, Ministry of Industry E. Ratna Utarianingrum said, with the development of the current fashion industry and also with varying wealth and local wisdom related to textiles, this is a potential that can be seen or captured by creative people. It is this young generation that we hope to be able to encourage, becoming a leader in this sector.

He explained that the younger generation can develop local wisdom through creative products produced by them. According to him, if this can be collaborated it will be very good considering Indonesia’s abundant and quality wealth, especially in the fashion sector.

Ratna said, if we were packaged by creative people, it would certainly be something that could be taken into account, had very high economic value. This program is a collaboration between government, private sector and academics in planning, program implementation, business pitching and evaluation. The academics involved in the CBI program are a team from Prasetiya Mulya University for the preparation of curriculum and program implementation.

While the private sector collaborating in the program included Tokopedia for marketing aspects, then Indonesian Angel Investment Network, Angel Investors, Indonesian Talent and others in the aspects of business planning evaluation and “business pitching”. From the BUMN side, the Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Micro and Retail Business Incubation Desk was involved.

Ratna said, with the various facilities provided, we hope that 26 creative industry players and fashion can become the spearhead in the development of Creative Crafts and Fashion Industries in the future.

In an effort to develop the fashion industry, collaboration and synergy from various stakeholders are also needed, including government, business people, academics and the community. The strategic step that needs to be done is strengthening the structure of the national fashion industry.

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