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Neutrality Probles in Riau Election


CIDISS. Implementation of Election of Head of Region in Riau predicted will be colored by the rampant violation of neutrality of civil apparatus of state. This is because since the candidates will be nominated as a candidate pair in mid-February 2018, the Riau Election Supervisor neutrality civil appard (Bof ratus of state y Boaawaslu) has received 28 reports on non-neutral provincial and district government bureaucrats. In fact, the country’s civilian apparatus is judged to not only support one candidate in a particular electiond , but some candidates, such as supporting a particular candidate in the gubernatorial andistrict elections. Worse, the number released by the Bawaslu has not been included with the involvement of the village heads.

The high potential of civil state apparatus that is not neutral in the election of regional heads in Riau is caused by the incumbent candidates who follow the election. Often, these candidates conduct illegal campaigns, such as banners, whose content tends to encourage people to re-select incumbent candidates for the next election.

In addition to the illegal campaigns, the involvement of non-neutral bureaucrats is also wary of being able to use the powers and assets of the official for political purposes. This often happens in some areas, where stakeholders use social assistance programs in the presence of certain slogans of paslon or even followed by the distribution of stickers and calendars with images of paslon.

The non-neutrality of bureaucrats in local elections needs to be a concern for all parties, especially by giving strict sanctions to the interested parties. Without sanctions that provide a deterrent effect, existing rules will be difficult to comply with. Furthermore, this problem will only hamper the process of conducting the election of regional head as a whole, even a material for certain parties to sue the results of regional head elections.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)


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