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Omnibus Law “Cipta Kerja” Advancing Indonesia


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

Investment is indeed able to provide better economic solutions. The government also initiated the issuance of the Omnibus Law on Employment Law to advance Indonesia more equitably.

Opinion war related to work copyright Omnibus seems increasingly heated. The workers’ camp or laborers still feel that they are harmed and the government seems to be on the side of the entrepreneurs. Whereas in fact, the country is struggling with various bills to perfect the results. The bill will later be able to fairly regulate the rights of workers as well as employers.

The reason is, these two elements in labor issues cannot stand alone. They need each other. Like a symbiotic mutualism that should be mutually beneficial. Employers cannot afford to run their businesses without workers. And workers do not have a job without employers. so, STOP argues selfishly. The draft law for the Omnibus law has indeed arrived at the DPR’s table and is being completed.

If a bit of hoax spreads, spice it up with misleading narratives, when will you move forward. Though this era we are required to be alert in the face of the times. If you don’t want to clean up, of course you will lose yourself. The government expects the support of its people. If there are revisions or good suggestions, they should be conveyed through the forum. Not even a fanfare is unclear. Not to mention the action took to the streets and boycott the city. What is the essence?

Previously, PKS President Sohibul Iman when meeting with Golkar Party Chairperson Airlangga Hartarto discussed an omnibus bill on work copyright. He said he gave three conditions before supporting the work-related omnibus law bill. Sohibul said that his party agreed with the Golkar party related to the structural transformation of the economy in the archipelago. However, they apparently did not immediately approve the bill on work copyright that was being carried out.

PKS will support the omnibus law if the management is done well and not haphazardly. The president of the PKS party gave three suggestions for the draft of the broom law. Which cover; one, the Omnibus law bill must be in line with the 1945 Constitution. He stated that there are no articles that deviate from the constitutional rules. Second, Omnibus law must be able to maintain a sense of justice for all stakeholders. In this case Tidka sided with the investors.

PKS wants this transformation not only to pursue growth targets but also to ensure equity and a sense of justice for all stakeholders. While the third suggestion is that the broomy bill should be able to strengthen the democratic system and regional autonomy. He did not want an attempt to centralize power through this draft regulation.

Moreover, if it is done to strangle the democratic rights of the people. PKS wants any efforts including investment acceleration and job creation should not damage the division of authority between trias politica elements that occur between the central government and regional governments.

Not only PKS, anyone would want this broomy bill to be a solution for Indonesia. Small but valuable supports are always needed by the state. Considering all the efforts of this country ultimately remain aimed at its people.

The Omnibus of copyright works indeed focuses on labor issues, especially on the two biggest issues. Namely unemployment and employment. Seeing that there are now around 7 million people who have not yet found work, the government proposes a work copyright bill that regulates a number of solutions to this problem.

According to the Minister of economics, Airlangga Hartanto, the work copyright Omnibus will be able to create a conducive investment climate which will have as much impact on employment opportunities as possible. Including recruiting up to 2 million workers each year. The Omnibus law not only facilitates licensing, but encourages MSMEs and independent businesses to innovate which will trigger an emphasis on unemployment through creative industries. Because, in the past, they did not get the ease in trying because of the complexity of regulations and the state bureaucracy.

Therefore, jumping from the comfort zone now with Omnibus Law work is the right way to achieve dreams. So that in the future the government is also able to realize what is the goal, namely Indonesia is more developed and developing. Imagine, if unemployment is almost non-existent and people have a per capita income that increases from time to time.

) * The author is a contributor of the Jakarta Institute

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