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OPM Deserves to be Labeled as an International Terrorist


By: SabbyKosay) *

The Free Papua Organization (OPM) apparently not only claimed to fight for a referendum, but also spread terror so that it did not hesitate to give resistance to security forces and civilians. In fact, they are active in speaking abroad to distort the facts of their atrocities. Reading to this, it is fitting for the OPM to be categorized as an international terrorist.

Former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) A.M Hendropriyono said that the Free Papua Organization (OPM) should have been called an international terrorist, so there was no longer the term Armed Criminal Group.

            Hendropriyono also asked the government to move seriously and not play games in this matter. Moreover, OPM is known as a heinous group because they do not hesitate to kill innocent citizens, including the TNI and Polri.

            He said that at this time we consider them to be an Armed Criminal Group (KKB), but they are rebels, they should be on the international terrorist list.

            Hendropriyono also requested that the government and all elements of the community be aware of how important it is to protect Papua from the interference of these terrorists so that Indonesia remains intact.

            He also regretted the existence of a number of foreign parties who had made the situation worse in Papua. The foreigners led the world’s public opinion which in essence cornered the Republic of Indonesia.

            It is undeniable, one of the small Pacific countries, Vanuatu, that also very often voiced support for OPM (Free Papua Organization) out loud in international forums.

            Noted, the country since the New Order era until now, its voice has always been consistent in supporting the OPM, but other countries in the South Pacific such as Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand, expressly refused and did not recognize the existence of OPM in its territory, they still held that Papua is a territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

            Therefore, it is increasingly clear that foreign parties, both Non Government Organizations (NGOs), individuals and the State of Vanuatu, were the ones who mobilized anarchic rallies in Papua and West Papua some time ago.

            They use racist issues to fry and mobilize people to carry out anarchic actions so as not to hesitate to show opposition to the Police. With the hope of chaos and international attention, the world will call for a referendum on Papua.

            In 2018, Jacob Skrzypkski, a Polish citizen, was accused of joining the National Liberation Army of West Papua. He was accused of offering to help supply weapons to Papuan separatists and to assist in the Papuan coup.

            Soon Indonesian authorities succeeded in arresting the Polish citizen in the city of Jayapura. The 39-year-old foreigner was charged with treason

            Various barbaric actions that led to criminalism by OPM finally get the world spotlight.

            It turns out that not only Indonesia is furious with OPM. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was once infuriated because their noble mission was damaged by a group of people who were said to want more prosperity for Papua.

            It all started with the hostage carried out by the Free Papua Organization (OPM) led by Kelly Kwalik to the Lorentz Expedition Team ’95 in the Jayawijaya Mountains, from 8 January to 15 May 1995, which received global attention at the time.

            Initially the world spotlight was aimed at the Indonesian government which was considered to violate human rights related to the hostage release process.

            But gradually the world public has realized that what the OPM was doing at that time did make anyone feel furious.

            In addition, we also need to know that OPM has an office in the UK, this is due to the presence of NGOs in the UK that form the OPM movement. The NGO action cannot be directly hampered by Britain because there is a certain character for NGOs in Europe or in the West.

            The issues raised by these NGOs are about state colonialism. Even the NGOs considered that the Indonesian government did not really care about the fate of the people of Papua, even they thought the Indonesian government was looking for profits from the natural resources in Papua.

            The term international scale terrorist certainly deserves addressed to OPM, where it still hopes the compassion of international NGOs to help them escape from Indonesia, and fry humanitarian issues to appeal to the international world.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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