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Pertiwi Declares Support for No.1 Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin


CIDISS. Women groups who are members of Tangguh Women Choose Jokowi (Pertiwi) declare support to the couple Joko Widodo-KH Ma’ruf Amin in Jokowi Center, Ki Mangunsarkoro Street, Menteng, Jakarta, Saturday (11/17). Pertiwi is ready to strengthen the coalition network incorporated in the National Campaign Team (TKN) to win Jokowi-Ma’ruf in the 2019 Presidential Election.

Pertiwi Chairman, Putri K Wardani, said that the support given to Jokowi-Ma’ruf was based on the desire to ensure the inheritance of unity, national unity and security and security of the Indonesian people continued without injury to the grandchildren and successors of the nation. the coalition network joined in the National Campaign Team to win the presidential candidate pair number 01 in the 2019 Presidential Election, “Putri said during a declaration at the Jokowi Center, Jakarta, Saturday (11/17).

Putri said the coalition agreed that the direction of development carried out by President Jokowi was right, as well as the role of women and the empowerment of women had also received great attention. Therefore Pertiwi hopes to realize Indonesia’s dream of being peaceful, prosperous, more advanced, equitable and based on Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the 1945 Constitution. “We agree that one way to realize that is through providing support to candidate pair number 01 in the Presidential Election 2019 to come. Pertiwi’s support to Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin for having the same platform, “he said.

According to Putri, the role of women is very vital for the country because women are powerful, multi-minded creatures who create the next generation. “As part of the community, women are expected to be able to play a male partner in building the nation and becoming part of the solutions to various problems in our country, starting from the economy, family, social culture, politics, and religion, “he said. Women’s voices are also very vital in the 2019 presidential election, especially looking at the female voter population in the 2019 Presidential Election which reached 50.2 percent or 93.1 million so very decisive vote acquisition.

By: Rikky, S *)

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