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Realizing Equity, Village becomes The Main Focus of Development


CIDISS. The government is committed to developing the economy evenly to realize Nawa Cita as the ideal of the administration of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla. This can be seen from the target of the State Budget (APBN) which also takes into account indicators of economic inequality in addition to economic growth.

The Ministry of Villages, Development of Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) emphasized that the central government is fully committed to improving equitable development in the archipelago. One of these commitments is realized by establishing rural areas, especially rural areas, to be the main focus of development.

In the DAK Monitoring and Evaluation Coordination Meeting on Affirmation in the Transport and Intervention Programs of the Ministry in Village Development in Jayapura, Papua, the Special Staff of the Minister of Villages, Development of Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration, Risharyudi Triwibowo, said that the government’s commitment to accelerating village development was to continue increase the amount of village funds each year. Up to the fourth year, the amount has reached IDR 187 trillion.

For four years the village fund program went on, he continued, the village had carried out massive development that had never happened before. In the note of the Ministry of Education PDTT, at least 158,619 kilometers of village roads, 1,028,225 meters of village bridges, 39,656 irrigation channels, 7,421 village markets, 48,694 PAUD units, 18,477 Posyandu units, 178,034 MCK units, and others.

Nevertheless, Triwibowo warned that the percentage of the poor in rural areas was still recorded at 13.20 percent. In addition, there are still 12,397 underdeveloped villages whose status must be improved. He also invited all parties to work together to realize sustainable development with the main locus in the village.

Triwibowo said that we need a comprehensive and equitable new development movement, including the rural and rural communities that have not been optimal. We also have to jointly alleviate disadvantaged areas and also develop transmigration areas.

In Papua, Triwibowo said, the Ministry of Health PDTT had rolled out a budget to support 34 physical and non-physical developments with a value of Rp. 66,300,537,000. Support through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) Affirmation in the Transportation sector in 2018 is also spread in 28 districts with a budget of Rp. 24,162,000,000.

In the presence of 23 Heads of Bappeda and the Head of the Transportation Office in Papua, Triwibowo said, to be orderly in the budget and administration, we need evaluation and supervision activities. The activity is one of the tools to measure the success of an activity program. We must monitor development progress so that the benefits can be truly felt by the community.

It is expected that all parties play an active role in overseeing the village fund program. Community participation is an important key in realizing independence of development in the region in order to create the new development centers.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah *)

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