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Refusing to Follow REUNI 212, Better to Work


By: Ahmad Pahlevi) *

The 212 reunion action plan to be carried out on December 2, 2019 was responded by the Chairman of the SPP Center for Muslim Workers’ Fraternity (PPMI) ’98 Abdul Hakim Abdallah invites workers and Muslims to continue to carry out their daily activities. Meanwhile, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of West Java Province KH Rachmat Syafei underlined the warning of the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday as the basis for carrying out the reunion 212 not to be politicized.
According to Abdul Hakim Abdallah, PPMI 98 valued the 212 reunion, but struggling to support the family was a real jihad in Islam. “We as part of the Muslim community who work daily as laborers, greatly appreciate the planned 21st reunion action plan. But struggling to support the family is a real jihad in Islam,” Abdul told the media recently.

He revealed, since the 212 action was carried out and the emergence of the case of blasphemy of Islam by Ahok (Basuki Tjahaya Purnama), further increasing the unity of the people. It also gave rise to the Muslim movement both the 411 action and the phenomenal action of 7 million Muslims on December 2, 2016, which demanded Ahok (BTP) in jail.

“In the third year of the 212th action event in 2016, and Ahok has been condemned as a blasphemy of Islam, according to Abdul, Muslims will once again hold an activity called 212 action reunions on 2Desember 2019. The question is whether the religious defamation problem has not yet been completed. by Ahok, until the Muslims will again hold 212 reunion actions? “he said.
According to him, there are still many problems of Muslims in their daily lives, more than 51 million people or Muslims work as laborers / workers who find it difficult to achieve a prosperous life.

Furthermore, PPMI 98 urges that on 2 December all workers / laborers and Muslims should continue to carry out daily routine activities both in their respective companies and where they are doing business. “It’s better to just pray that the 212 reunion action will run successfully and safely and keep working,” he said.

Abdul also requested that the police immediately follow up on the demands of Muslims against Sukmawati, who was considered blasphemous to the Prophet Muhammad, for comparing with the Proclamator figure as a human being. “The Sukmawati case must be followed up immediately,” said the 212 Mujahi action field coordinator.
Meanwhile, in a separate place, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of West Java Province KH Rachmat Syafei held a press conference related to the planned reunion of 212 actions in Jakarta on December 2, 2019. KH Rachmat Syafei added, the aim of the Prophet’s Birthday is to take wisdom and the queen the example of the life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as the bearer of the message of Islam. “Do not let, he said, under the pretext of the Prophet’s Birthday contained political agendas that could divide the unity and integrity of the nation. “West Java MUI should be worried if there is politicization in commemoration of the great Birth of the Prophet,” he said.

Regarding 212 reunion, West Java MUI conveyed five points of appeal to the people of West Java, namely: first, Muslims are encouraged to celebrate the Prophet’s Birthday with sincere intention. Second, the celebration of the Prophet’s Birthday should be filled through positive activities that are felt directly by the community benefits such as recitation, tausiah, religious lectures for the benefit of society in general. Third, the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet should not be confused with activities that can disturb public order, disrupt the smooth flow of traffic, let alone cause conflict in the community. Fourth, to the preachers, preachers, preachers, who are the speakers in the activities of the Birth of the Prophet, should deliver materials that are soothing, reconciling, strengthening the unity and integrity of the nation that can encourage the establishment of ukhuwah islamiyah, ukhuwah insaniah, and ukhuwah wathoniyah. Fifth, the government, MUI appealed to provide a guarantee of fluency for people who celebrate the Birthday of the Prophet in commonly used places such as mosques, prayer rooms, schools, boarding schools, office buildings, and others.

Meanwhile, observers of the Indonesian problem, Mubdi Tio Thareq said, statements made by PPMI 98 and MUI West Java increasingly indicated the strong fact that the public did not like the mobilization of the masses who were vulnerable to colored political maneuvers and even prone to commotion. “If there is a commotion, the security forces will certainly process the whole reunion committee 212, and the donors of the funds,” he explained, adding that it should be audited for fundraising related to the 212 reunion or other similar events to avoid abuse.

) * The author is a social political observer

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