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Rocky Gerung Insults Symbols of Nation Worth Getting a Punishment


By: Ahmad Pahlevi

Rocky Gerung is considered to defame Pancasila and insult President Jokowi. Even indirectly he admitted that he was anti-Pancasila. It seems that Rocky Gerung has the guts so the police need to check it according to the applicable regulations.
President Jokowi’s kindness and friendliness may be used by a number of parties. This is not the first time the emerald leader of the Equator has been insulted. It still feels in my mind when someone with employment status is insulting President Jokowi. The woman who had been warned by her husband insisted on posting defamatory sentences. The funny thing is, when will be investigated the perpetrators cry and apologize.
There was another, at that time a boy who insulted Jokowi through social media. No doubt because it is still underage, the perpetrator’s parents must apologize. Instead of giving punishment, President Jokowi instead gave a number of assistance. Maybe there are still cases of insults that have not been touched by the media and ignored by the number one person in Indonesia.
And now the case is recurring, sadly this comes from a philosopher, academic, intellectual who is actually “smart” for the dose of a society. Possibly the tongue of the pesilat tongue is sprained to reveal words that seem to judge someone. Or indeed he was being challenged and had guts?
Previously, Tagar Rocky Gerung insulted the president on social media Twitter. The hashtag arose because Rocky Gerung was judged to have insulted President Joko Widodo. By calling him a person who does not understand Pancasila, this accusation was conveyed in the broadcast of a public scale event, the Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC). Initially, Rocky stated that Pancasila was a failed ideology.
Rocky considers that Pancasila is against its precepts. He also said that he was proud to have made strong academic research related to Pancasila, which he said was not an ideology in academic concepts. The assumption becomes more detailed by the asynchronous precepts in the Indonesian ideology.
Rocky is more courageous, revealing that there are no Pancasilais in Indonesia, including President Jokowi. He also emphasized that Jokowi only memorized Pancasila but did not understand it. He added, if all the people, the state apparatus until the president understood Pancasila would certainly not owe and raise BPJS.
As an intellectual, you should know! Why was BPJS raised? Including the gap between the parties that pay and not. You know, the country is cleaning up for the sake of eradicating rats with ties that have caused the country to lose money and have high debt. If only President Jokowi was not Pancasilais, surely he would not lead the country with various responsibilities on his shoulders.
Jokowi should be “free” to give orders as he pleases, after all as Rocky said no one can judge people who are not Pancasilais, right? Presumably, now these clever people like Rocky are getting confused. They seemed to think he understood anything that he understood. Feel knowledgeably though only strong in opinion, but destitute in determination.
The wise statesman should be able to help the government maintain a better state order. Instead of making the atmosphere worse, it’s like he himself understands the country best. For information, the most controversial case Rocky’s ever carried out was loud chattering that the scriptures are fiction. Wow, looks like this Rocky doesn’t have a religion, or is he superficial about this?
Realizing that this miraculous statesman speech would be a problem, the defense came from the Democratic Party. The party which is synonymous with blue requested that Rocky’s statement need not be extended. Chairman of the Democratic Party DPP, Jansen Sitindaon explained there were still more important than the chatter. He also stated that the country was too tired from the heated presidential election situation yesterday. Not to mention added other issues that make the country more complicated. It could be that this is a form of organizational protection against its members that are considered wrong.

However, the tongue fighter who should be considered experienced, clever, and identical to his ethics would actually make an insult. Moreover, this is intended for leaders of the country. A public figure is even impressed misleading with statements, rhetoric and propaganda. In fact, the person who is shown is supposed to be someone who is highly educated, wise and also wise. What a cause for concern!

) * The author is a social political observer

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