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Supporting the Presidential Instruction of Honorary Appointment as an ASN Papua


By: Rebecca Marian (Papuan student living in Jakarta)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) continues to be committed to realizing superior human resources (HR) as the focus of the second period of government. One of these aspects is reflected in the government’s attention to the aspirations of the people of Papua delivered at the meeting of President Jokowi and Papuan Leaders on 10 September 2019.

The meeting between Papuan and West Papuan community leaders resulted in several requests, one of which was to ask for more Papuans and West Papuans to become echelon 1 and 2 officials. Then, they also requested that Jokowi issue an Inpres on the appointment of honorary in Papua and West Papua become a Prospective Civil Servant (CPNS).

On the occasion, Jokowi also stated that he would force large state-owned companies (BUMN) and private companies to employ 1,000 graduates from Papua and West Papua who had just graduated.
The statement was made by Joko Widodo fatherly answering the demands of the Papuan figures he received at the state palace.

They previously asked more Papuans and West Papuans to become echelon 1 and 2 officials. Then, asked Jokowi to issue a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) regarding the appointment of honorary in Papua and West Papua to become ASN.

The former Surakarta mayor said that he would force SOEs and large private companies to accept 1,000 graduates from Papua, because if they go through procedures it will certainly take longer, so Jokowi uses his authority.

While the request related to the issuance of the Presidential Instruction on honorary appointments in Papua and West Papua became ASN, including positions in echelon 1, 2 and 3 positions, Jokowi said it would be processed later along with other provinces outside Java.

These aspirations certainly need support from various parties, how can HR in Papua certainly need a source of life and get a decent quality of life.

The President’s Special Staff for Papua Lenis Kogoya said the issue of honorary staff was often discussed in various meetings, to the letter of the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe. However, Luke has never followed up.
To date, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has also never sent a letter to the President or relevant ministers for the appointment of honorary.

In addition, problems also arise in Papua with the termination of employment or layoffs of 80 thousand workers at PT Freeport Indonesia.

That makes the indigenous Papuan people unemployed. Their children who attend school also become displaced.
Meanwhile, the Papua Provincial Health Office has proposed 800 honorary staff to be issued a collective decree by Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng.

The appointment of the honorary SK collective honorary staff was based on the Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng’s order to avoid the honorary appointees not through the Regent Decree but based on the decision of the head of the Office and others.

Mimika regency health department head Alfred Douw said, most honorary workers who worked at the puskesmas in Mimika were honorary who did not have a collective decree but only stated by the Office, aka appointed only based on the decision of the head of the Office.

The hope is that if an honorary worker is found on official duty, it is not a matter of the health office (DHO), if the head of the service that appoints him must pay.

It was explained that this was in addition to continuing the District Head’s direction, also at the same time to convey to all Puskesmas so that they would no longer recruit honors without the knowledge of the Mimika Regency Government in this case the Health Service.

To appoint honorariums with Collective Decree not to appoint origin, there are several assessment points for this matter, as explained by the Acting Regional Secretary Mimika Marthen Paiding some time ago that there are honors who can get a collective decree if those who are already real work.

According to him, if not followed up, then it will continue to burden the regional budget (APBD).

On the other hand, House of Representatives Commission I member Yonas Nussy said the ASN appointment mechanism had been with the Papuan People’s Assembly Affirmation Committee (MRP) who fought for the fate of honorary people in Papua who had served for dozens of years.

Nussy also ensured that the honorary staff data submitted to the Kemenpan RB and BKN did not have the honorary names ‘stealth’, but those who had been working in various government agencies in Jayapura City and the Provincial Government of Papua.

With the appointment of honorary as ASN, it will certainly have a direct impact on the welfare of the people of Papua, so that the honorary will still not bite the fingers when they do not receive holiday allowances.

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