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This is the reason why FPI needs to be dissolved


By: Raditya Rahman )*

If the leaders often attack the government and invite members to act violently. Then the character of his men will not be much different from the leader. If the leader is good, the members will also be good.

This analogy can certainly be a reference for us in responding to FPI CSOs whose permits have expired, knowing that citizens have also chirped and voiced the rejection of the extension of FPI permits on various social media lines.

So what makes many people not feel respect for the mass organization led by Habib Rizieq? Maybe we can already guess the answer, because FPI has a track record of not insubstantial violence and harsh words that are far from cool.

One of them was when Habib Rizieq said that Gus Dur Buta Mata and Blind Heart were certainly getting criticism from NU circles who made Gus Dur a role model.

The news about FPI is also not far from the attack on entertainment venues and night clubs. They alleged that this violated Islamic law, but they knew that Indonesia was not an Islamic state, but a democratic country that had diverse ethnicities, cultures and religions including Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Khong Hu Cu, all adherents of these religions lived side by side amai, in accordance with the motto Unity in Diversity.

So it is very natural that FPI can only add to the frustration of social life in Indonesia. Because FPI was moving so brutally, this fact triggered other mass organizations to take part in doing the same thing, which in turn had an impact on political movements.

Since FPI was in existence, some people began to dare to say infidels and infidels, not only to adherents of other religions, even fellow believers of Islam were said to be infidels.

Especially if they support the implementation of the Khilafah in Indonesia. This certainly would be very dangerous if left unchecked. We certainly believe that Pancasila is the basis of a final state.

So if there is a group of people who have thoughts about changing the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, it is certainly far from distorted and dangerous, because Pancasila as the basis of the country has ‘changed’, then Indonesia automatically no longer exists and Indonesia is no longer a name.

Regarding FPI licensing, of course the government does not need to hesitate to not extend FPI’s operational permit. In this case the government needs to be firm in acting because it is not the criminalization of religion and Islamic phobia.

Socio-Political Observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Adi Prayitno argues, that this phenomenon is a consequence of FPI’s negative image that is already rooted in the community.

In 2012 the Minister of the Interior (Minister of Home Affairs) Gamawan Fauzi also briefly considered freezing the mass organization, this was because he could not forget the FPI mass anarchist action when the demonstration rejected the evaluation of nine local regulations on 12 January 2012. Where at that time a number of glass buildings in the Ministry of Home Affairs destroyed by the anarchist action.

FPI has recorded history as a mass organization that often conducts riots. As in the peaceful action organized by the National Alliance for Freedom of Religion and Belief (AKKBB), FPI launched its action by beating the participants with bamboo, not a few bloody participants, not even men who were victims, mothers who were victims even carrying his child did not escape the beating victims.

Excessive intolerance was also raised by its leader, Habib Rizieq Shihab, saying, “if Jesus was born bidannye ready”, the statement certainly does not reflect the figure of Indonesians who uphold tolerance and diversity.

Especially now that Habib Rizieq seems to seek refuge in Saudi Arabia and not return to Indonesia, of course it would be nice if Habib Rizieq was revoked of Indonesian citizenship status and become a citizen in the Middle East alone.

On the occasion of the lecture, Habib Riezieq was proven to have abused many people and had also been sent to prison. If to this day Habib Rizieq stumbles on a case and then goes abroad, of course that is not a good attitude, and what we have to understand is, that is not the criminalization of the ulema, but the ulema who committed the crime.

)* The writer is a political observer of politics

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