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Understanding Deployment wary of radicals in circles Generation Young


By: Edi Jatmiko ) *

Understanding radicalism which is considered a number of parties so troubling is still intense to fight. Now, this understanding is considered targeting young people with unstable conditions.

The more disturbing the spread of radical understanding was responded by a number of parties in various ways. However, this expansion of understanding is like a virus that is difficult to eradicate. Indeed, its development seems invisible. However, in fact many victims were reported as well exposed. Indiscriminately, all ages cannot guarantee that they will be exposed to this understanding.

The mildest result, the utterance of hatred to the most severe is to take extreme action. Sadly, if children are the victims, it will certainly result in a number of traumatics that will be difficult to remove. Although already given a number of treatments. Therefore, the government has significantly increased awareness including appealing to all communities to remain vigilant of radical understanding.

Previously it was reported that, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) continues to strive to prevent terrorism by providing guidance, especially to young people. According to the Head of the BNPT Community Empowerment Sub-Director Andi Intan Dulung, assessing that the spread of radicalism is admittedly difficult to detect. Therefore, the BNPT mobilized 32 Counter Terrorism Coordination Forums (FKPT) spread throughout Indonesia to assist these efforts.

In addition, BNPT is also aware of the spread of radical ideas which are widely spread through social media using the guise of religion.

According to Andi Intan, actually followers of radicalism wear religious masks. This is what many people have suspected of being recruited. Moreover, Indonesia is a religious country. So that people will easily be attracted by religious attachments.

The Deradicalization effort itself is part of the counter radicalism strategy that is being intensified by the Indonesian government through the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT). This effort is understood as a way to slowly change the ideology of violence adopted by terrorist groups to the grassroots level.

It aims to enable individuals to be free from the influence of violent ideologies and be able to return to the lap of the motherland with good provisions to organize a new life that is more useful.

The design concept of deradicalization is suspected to have four components, namely reeducation, rehabilitation, resocialization , and reintergration. Reeducation is a deterrence effort by providing a variety of enlightenment to the wider community, including actors and sympathizers of terrorism, regarding what is actually understood violence.

The aim is that there will be no omission of the development of this understanding in the wider community. In addition, reeducation is also carried out by providing a counter understanding related to the doctrines of terrorism so that it is hoped that the public will be aware that violence is destructive and has no merit.

The second component is rehabilitation, which is an effort to bring self-reliance and personality development to inmates (inmates) and supporters of terrorism. This independence building is an effort to train and foster terrorism supporters in the skills and expertise that are more useful for improving their quality of life than if they joined terrorism groups.

Meanwhile, fostering personality is an effort to harmonize the mindset of terrorist sympathizers in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of Pancasila, NKRI, and also Unity in Diversity.

The third and fourth components in deradicalisation efforts have a close relationship. More precisely is the government provides facilities for actors and sympathizers of terrorism gradually to be able to re-mingle with the community, as before.

The approach taken in this case covers two perspectives that have links to one another. So, besides the actors and sympathizers of terror, the de-radicalization program is also directed at the public with the aim of inviting tolerance to accept the intention to change from terrorists who have been fostered by the government.

Not denying up to this moment there are still many who doubt the effectiveness of the de-radicalization program, but this effort “slow but sure” has shown good benefits. Going forward, the de-radicalization program will continue to be increased more effectively and comprehensively to create a conducive situation that is free from all threats of terrorism for us now and in the future.

Despite many attempts by the government, this movement of understanding can still be seen with certainty. However, this does not mean that the government has given up hope. In fact, they are more diligent in intensifying efforts to tackle the spread of this radical understanding. In addition, awareness is needed for each individual to filter out what feels deviant. So, later the spread of this radical understanding will be able to be fought against and overcome to the maximum.

) * The author is social political observer

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