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Wonderful Indonesia

Wonderful Indonesia boost economic revenue
Wonderful Indonesia boost economic revenue

By: Widuri Parmaratri)*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. The campaign of promoting Indonesian tourism started in early 1990s when Indonesia first introduced Visit Indonesia Year. At that time, the media for promoting the campaign are still limited. The numbers of tourists however are enormous, promoting Indonesia to become one of the favourite tourism destinations in the world.  Bali becomes one of the destinations that are mostly visited by international tourist because of its natural beauty and cultural practices. This is certainly a one funnel national income from the tourism sector and was instrumental in the development of this country. Not to mention the multiplier effect is given to the economy and welfare of the community in the area of the existing tourist attraction.

However, Indonesian tourism had experienced its difficult time when there were some terrorist attacks. These irresponsible actions assault in the tourism destinations. We still remember clearly what happened in Bali known as the first and the second Bali bombing. These two events attack the heart of tourist attractions causing the decrease of the number of international tourist to come to Indonesia because of the feeling of insecure. It became the task for every stakeholder of this country to start restoring national security.

Indonesia has been working hard to fight terrorism. The fight against terrorists will still be continued to make this country safe and peaceful. Our government does not give tolerance to people trying to destroy our nation through radical dogmas. One of the government’s purposes is to make tourists come back to Indonesia and enjoy its natural beauty as well as learn our unique cultural diversity.

This year the campaign of Indonesian tourism continues. The campaign is even more massive than before. The expression ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ is widely viewed all around the world. By promoting Indonesia tourism destinations through some international television network, the numbers of international tourists will increase. Looking at the advertisement, I realize that Indonesia is a very rich country. Not only is it rich of its nature that spread out from Sabang to Merauke, but also rich of its arts. Indonesia is wonderful and this wonderfulness is what makes our country famous and honoured. (Wp)

)* The author is Jakarta Contributor

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